View Full Version : Missed heartbeats

05-01-09, 17:03
I know this has been covered many times before but just wanted to check something.
I was getting a 'fluttery chest' and then took my pulse and noticed that every 10 or so beats there would be a missed beat and the next would feel stronger. It calmed down over the next few days to about one on 20-50 beats, it has since increased to 1 in 15. I dont get the thump in my chest just a flutter everytime it happens.
I have tried excercising but that did not change things just increased my pulse rate as to be expected. I have had my wife listen to my chest and she cant hear the 'missed beat'.
This started at new year and i wondered if it could be due to alcohol consumption( I dont normally drink but had a few over xmas etc).
I really dont want to bother my GP with this unless it is serious.

I started smoking again back in december.

05-01-09, 18:26
As long as you have been cleared by your doctor, then you can rest assured that the missed beats are not harmful. I know that it's hard to accept that everything is fine when you constantly feel the fluttering. I just had a panic attack over the same thing last night. Fortunately I had my husband with me and he was able to talk me down by telling me that I have been thoroughly checked out and I am a healthy woman!

My cardiologist also once told me that the flutters won't hurt me and if I want to have more palpitations to smoke more and drink more caffeine! He also told me that all of my symptoms were not cardiac related because all of my tests were perfect and my heart is functioning normally. So as long as your doctor has checked you out, the flutters are nothing more than an annoyance!

05-01-09, 18:27
Oh....one more thing. Alcohol can definitely make the flutters worse. I'm fine if I drink a glass of wine, but if I have a mixed drink or something more potent, I feel like my heart is going to fly right out of my chest! I think that maybe you are suffering from post-holiday recovery!!

05-01-09, 19:10
As long as you have been cleared by your doctor, then you can rest assured that the missed beats are not harmful. I know that it's hard to accept that everything is fine when you constantly feel the fluttering.

I had an ecg abou 3mths ago and that was ok but have not seen the doc since this started and I dont want to worry them if it is nothing. (I feel I go to see the doc too much)

05-01-09, 21:31
Don't ever feel that you are going to worry your doctor! They work for you! If it wasn't for patients, doctors wouldn't have a job!

If your ECG was normal 3 months ago then I think you are fine. But if it makes you feel better, make an appointment to see your doctor. When I started to get the flutters, I told my GP about it and his response was "so what?" I was kind of shocked at that response, but palpitations are so common. It's like telling your doctor that you have a headache! In any event, he sent me to a cardiologist just for my peace of mind. I was supposed to wear a 24 monitor and have an echo done. The cardiologist reviewed my records from the year before (I had originally seen him before I was diagnosed with anxiety) and told me that I did not need to have any further testing done. After he saw the look of worry on my face, he gave me the 24 hour monitor and told me that he was confident that there was nothing wrong., but he was doing it just so that I'd stop worrying...and he was right - the results were noraml! But having the testing done really helps me realize that there is nothing wrong with my heart. When I'm having a bad day, I just think back to last year when I wore the monitor and I can calm myself down.

So if anything, paying a visit to your doctor may give you some peace of mind!

05-01-09, 23:00
Thankyou for your replies.
I will make an appt with the doc just for reassurance.
Even knowing that I am not the only one makes me feel better, everyone on here who suffers with it is still alive! :yesyes: