03-07-05, 17:01
Hi all,[8D]

Just need a bit of advice/support really [:I][8)]

I Just wondered if anyone else feels like a yoyo at times strange you may think.[:P]

What i'm trying to say is i hate the Irregularity that anxiety can bring.

For Instance I can spend a few days feeling fine taking control and coping with just the low anxiety about me that i have. Then all of a sudden BOOM It's heightentened and I feel like i'm hanging of the edge of a cliff again. Thinking how the ****** hell did I get here[Ugh][Sigh...][V][Oops!]

This past week has been weird really one minute i'm coping fine and the the next i'm hyperventalating.[Duh!]

One thing i have been experiencing to is like a WHOSH of fear going right through my body. Starting from my toes to the top of my head. I know it's probably adrenalin related but i just hate it when it springs upon you for no apparent reason. [Ugh][Sigh...]

I am trying to bare with it as I know by not accepting it can only make matters worse. I just feel very disheartened by it.:(

Anyone else suffer from this no pattern anxiety as I call it!

Thanks All,;)

Take care,

Lots Of Love PIP'S X X[:X]

03-07-05, 17:25
Gosh Pips

I'm so glad someone else feels like that.

The head to the toe part I have always put down to an adrenalin rush so I guess if u think the same it must be.

It is so awful when u can be so up and down all the time.

I've got to admit I take comfort in knowing I am not alone. LOL

Take care Pips. Let us know how u feel



03-07-05, 17:29
hey Pips,

I have the exact same thing. It comes out of nowhere, even if I have been feeling fine two seconds before. I guess it's all part of the fun, huh?

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-07-05, 17:52
Ah Thanks so much Mandie and Sarah. It's so good to realise it's not just you and i'm not loosing the plot totally! Not yet anyway LOL!

Feel ok at the moment not brilliant just a bit on edge which isn't much fun. As you say though Sarah all part of the fun hey! Who needs rollercosters hey we got are very own one built inside us hey!!! It's just nice to get of occasionally though! LOL.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

03-07-05, 22:00
hi, i also get the whoosh of panic through my body, even when im watching the telly. its wierd but i try just to forget about it. i also get on a high when i think i have been doing realy well at coping and then when i think this is too good to be true it all flares up again and i forget how i managed to cope so well for that short period of time. but i suppose its the process of getting better, well thats how i look at it anyway, they do say you have to hit rock bottom before you can get your act together and sort things out.


04-07-05, 03:10
Yeah Pips

I have the same thing.

I can be fine for days on end and then BANG.
or I can be rough for days on end and then feel on top of the world and really calm and happy.

I'm sure Mr Panic loves to keep us in suspense by throwing this randomness at us.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

04-07-05, 10:06
Hi Pips,

Sorry to hear you've not been feeling great. I am going through bouts just as you've described and it makes my life feel very 'random'. One minute I feel I'm doing ok and then all of a sudden a strange sensation wipes over me just as you've described. I try to ignore it but I can feel my heart pounding and feel a bit rocky for the rest of the day.

I think we all need an adrenaline-gland-ectomy, I doubt it's offered on the NHS though! :D

Mark x

04-07-05, 13:21
Thanks so much Denise Liz and Mark. Your advice really helps and it makes it a bit less scary when you realise it's not just you!

I'll defo go for the idea of the adrenaline-gland-ectomy Mark sounds ace! I wish huh.[Yes!]

I'm feeling crap today got the dreaded chest pains unfortunately. YUC!!!!!!![Ugh][Sigh...] Never mind try to perservere huh!!

Thanks again guys,;)

Hope you are all well.

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X

04-07-05, 20:10
Pips - don't forget that stretches will ease those chest pains ok?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

04-07-05, 20:48
hi pips,

nice to know you're not alone hey! i'm glad you posted this msg as i've had a couple of whoosh days!! after my fantabulous week at work, i was also thinking wow, i'm better, its gone.. when i should have been thinking, i'm feeling good, i WILL feel anxious again, but it doesn't matter as i'm getting better.. we just gotta slow down and accept we are going up.. maybe the slower we go, the more confident and stronger we will cope with it!
we also have to have the downs - or else how would we learn to get out of them?
i'm with ya all the way pips.. chin up chuck.. we're all in it together..
btw, that adrenaline ectomy thing - where do i sign up!!?!


"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

04-07-05, 22:05
Hi, Im another who feels the same, up and down! and out of the blue! though some times i know what as triggered my anxiety. Horrible feeling init:(

Take Care Dee.

04-07-05, 22:25
Hi Pips

Understand how you feel and i am here for you whenever you need me mate. Call or text me and i will help you.

You are not alone and i will help you all i can mate.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

05-07-05, 13:14
Pips - I feel just the same - guess its back to the old Claire Weekes stratagy of acceptance, acceptance and yes more acceptance.

You know how much I like affirmation/divination cards and now have a few sets - well in one set called the 'four agreements' (Jayne if you are reading this, this is one for your collection too) there is a card saying about how your best changes from hour to hour, day to day, etc and if you are tired or sad but if you are doing your best for that situation you have nothing to beat yourself up about, well I guess thats appropriate to the rollercoaster of life.

Love Piglet

05-07-05, 16:28
Once again Thanks everyone and Thank you to Nic, Lisa, Dee, Sal & Piglet for your words of advice. I have definately taken them in. You are all so kind I don't know what i do without you!

Still got chest pains unfortunately think its a strain though not anxiety related. All though the pain is making me feel anxious! Can't win huh!! LOL

Take Care All,

Love & Wishes


05-07-05, 18:10
HI to every one here.

I agree with your comments, I have had some good times lately,doing more things.
Booked a Holiday to Toronto, Canada, six of us going now.

Then I went into the kitchen, Preparing things for later, WHEN,

I went giddy, started to panic, pains in the shoulder blades,
had to steady myself for a moment, knew what it was.
but why now!!!! I wasn't even tense, so I thought, does this
mean that we can get this because wer'e not used to feeling relaxed.

In other words,can we panic when wer'e feeling good ?

I have asked Meg regards this.

Love Penny,


06-07-05, 12:26
Hi Pips,

Can totally relate to whats going on with you....

You go along doing fine coping with the day to day small panics as one has.....go out for the day and do really well and you are on top of the world thinking yeah the old girly is back...then woosh as you put it you come back down to earth with a bump...

I like rollercoaster rides but sometimes I feel like I just want them to stop.

Pips you are made of sturdy stuff...and I am sure you will be able to get through this little blip...

Sorry to go on but you are going through the exact feelings I have .
Take care honey

with good wishes


06-07-05, 17:28
Thanks so much Penny and Zena.

Oh Zena sorry you have the whooshes to honey they are yucky hey, Thanks for your POSITIVE words they do help mate. Gonna need travel sickness pills in a minute if i don't get of the rollercoaster lol. We will get there though hey think STRONG & POSITIVE.

I hope you are well,

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

06-07-05, 20:42
Whilst you may get a whoosh of adrenaline, this is not panic - we get a whoosh of adrenaline when we're being flashed down by police when you've know you've been speeding, we get a whoosh when the phone goes at 2 am - it is still your next 20 seconds of response to this call to action that determines the next set of feelings.

If you can keep calm and rational and tell yourself that you have had these before and they pass uneventfully, if somewhat uncomfortably, and put into place measures you know can help like active distraction, mantras, seeking company, self reassurance by rationalizing the feelings, you will make the next few minutes/ hours much more manageable and add to your growing portfolio of manageble situations.

If however you respond by scaring yourself by self doubt and questioning and going on to imagining the worst case scenarios you will end up in an anxiety or panic attack which will bring a whole new set of symptoms that you will need to overcome and will make you feel thoroughly wretched.

I was never good at coping with big panics so I had to learn how to prevent them getting full blown as soon as possible. I still had whooshes and scary thoughts for months after but they never managed to progress to panic.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

08-07-05, 15:41
Thanks so much for that Meg,:D

You are so right hun. Got to keep on top of the Spiral hey!

I hope you are well,

Take care,;)

Love PIP'S X X