View Full Version : Holding My Breath, Dizzy

05-01-09, 17:45
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone out there with anxiety catches themselves subconciously holding their breath? I think I am doing this and in turn its making me dizzy. My spasms in my neck and chest have finally died down but now this dizziness is really scaring me. It's a kind of dizziness that I've never experienced before besides being on a cruise ship. When walking, I feel like I'm walking on a boat and when sitting, I feel like I'm being pulled in a certain direction. I'm very scared and keep trying to tell myself that its just anxiety.

I caved and Googled and the condition is given the same name as the condition when you are just home from a cruise(Mal de debarquement[sp?]). I was on a cruise in a June and that's the only way that I know that this is exactly what it feels like. But every time I start feeling the dizziness, I think about my breathing and realize I'm not breathing at all at that moment. Anyway..I'd appreciate some reassurance about this kind of dizziness. All of my symptoms from the last few months are really starting to point toward thyroid and I'm really scared even though my actual levels were fine as of Dec. 17th. I don't feel like running back to the doctor if this is all anxiety.

My anxiety in itself is also calming down...or it seems that way. I don't feel near as panicky and my heart and head aren't racing like they were even a week ago, so why aren't these darn symptoms letting up?!?!! This is where I'm thinking it must be something serious! Please help :(

05-01-09, 19:18
hey Girlrock

I too get dizzy spells when i hold my breath, i also get them when i sneeze, cough, u name it.

only seems to happen wit them though, also i havent been eating lately which may be a factor but this started when my anxiety started.

You are not alone in this hun. I asked my gp about this and he told me that it was perfectly normal for this to happen, apparently it takes about a year for you hole body to adjust back to your normal self and that you will experience some of the symptoms....

Hope this helps hun


06-01-09, 02:25
Thanks Stargate for your reply and thank you everyone for your kind words in chat today.

I logged off chat earlier and said I was started to feel nauseous from the dizziness. Well I spent about an hour in the bathroom, nothing happened but the room was sure swaying a lot. I got scared and called my mom to just come sit with me because I thought it was going to get to the point where I couldn't walk. Well she ended up calling my GP who told me to go straight to the ER. I didn't want to go, but my mom insisted.

After 3 hours and bloodwork and an exam....the doctor in the ER said he thinks I have either a viral ear infection or I'm still coming down for the virus I may have had for the last 2 months. He said the glands in the front of my throat/right under my neck are slightly swollen but not too bad. I do have some fluid in my ear. Anyway...they gave me a pill for dizziness that I'm supposed to take every 6 hours. It took the edge off but not the dizziness completely. It's called Meclizine 25mg.

Well just wanted to update, thanks again for all of the support.

08-01-09, 03:16
Just wanted to say that, I have noticed I don't breathe normally at all, i never have, is i seem to hold my breathe with out even thinking and then breathe in at the last second...

there is no regularity to how I breathe at all. lol...