View Full Version : Now I know What's Wrong with Me

05-01-09, 18:45
Hi, I just joined this. For the past six years or so I've always known I suffer from some type of anxiety problem. I didn't know there was a specific name for it until I started doing some reading today because it has become very crippling at times. I believe I am Agarophobic. I have good days and bad days and am starting to realize that being tired or having drank alcohol on the previous day makes it worse so I think I'll start by avoiding irregular sleep and alcohol to see if that helps.

I know what I'm afraid of is irrational, but I can't help it. And the more I think about it, the more crippling it becomes. I have problems with stairs, escalators. That's how it all started six years ago. I would feel dizzy on stairs. Not all stairs, but big stairs. I'm fine on the stairs in my own house. Elevators are no problem though cause I'm closed in and can't fall, right? Getting trapped in one doesn't bother me either. The thing that is currently the worst is at work. I work in a hospital and get disoriented walking down the big bright halls. Forget about going into the cafeteria and having to stand in line with all that noise, etc. I often will wait till I'm absolutely starving to get up from my desk or will get someone else to get my food for me. If I do go in, I have to hang onto things because I feel like I'm going to lose it or something and people must think I'm bonkers. I really must learn to make my lunch and bring it, so it is not an issue lol. On a few occasions I have left the hospital through another door and walked all the way around the property to get to my car rather than walk down the hallway to leave. Last week I had to hold onto the wall to get out. I have absolutely no issues being outside under any circumstances unless stairs are involved lol.

I also have issues with me driving straight, long distance at high speeds like on a highway, etc. I have no issues city driving and I normally am fine if someone else is driving, it's just me being the driver. I'm afraid I'm going to black out and crash or something. I've had to turn around and go home on occasions cause the anxiety and panic crippled me.

Sometimes I have problems standing in line in stores, etc. Yesterday I went shopping and checked my blood pressure. It was through the roof. So of course I was very upset and this just made me worry so much more that I was going to stroke out or something.

Anyways, maybe I should see my doctor, or maybe if I try what I mentioned in my first paragraph might be enough for now. Hope to meet some of you here and thanks for taking the time to read my rant about my problem.


05-01-09, 20:24
hi your not on your own with the driving i driv for a living and when i go out of my comfort zone i really get very stressed out hot and cold sweats i didnt know what was wrong untill today a great site for info and other stories welcome

07-01-09, 09:30
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

07-01-09, 12:37
Hi Karen &:welcome: to NMP.
I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

07-01-09, 23:27
Hi and welcome i am new to this site,and have spent hours reading these forums,many tips and support. i am just like you, except for the driving, no probs there so far!
Have you tried rescue remedy, read about this myself, and found it a big help,actually walked through Tescos today without hanging onto the freezers,also just started taking 1 tablet of magnesium and omega capsules a day,trying to really work at this myself, as my GP has prescribed me 20mg of Citalopram, after reading about all the side effects, I have not started them , going to give another bash at it myself, also ordered the clair weeks book which many recommend.
Take care just reading about others going through the same can help you.
Mandy x:welcome:

08-01-09, 11:44
Welcome to the site Karen, hope you find the help you need:hugs::hugs:xx