View Full Version : So low ive had enough

05-01-09, 22:29
I feel so low, so sick of mood swings, sick of being a pushover, sick of feeling different to everyone else in my life. Tonight i feel so bad ive had enough, i think im going to pack my things and just disapear somewhere without telling anyone to try and get my head together. is this a good idea because it feels like the right thing to do!!!


05-01-09, 22:32

I wouldnt jump into anything hasty, for a star its freezing out there, and you wouldnt get very far before turning into an ice cube lol....

Seriously, have you been to the doctors, are you on meds anything like that?

Do you know what is making your mood so low at the moment, has something triggered it off

05-01-09, 22:36
No - as EmmaJane points out tonight is supposed to be the coldest night for many years.

If you are still living and working in the back of beyond then yes perhaps you do need to rethink things and get out of there but do NOT just run off - formulate a plan of action e.g. where will you go? Where do you fancy going to? There is no need to rush off and make your life harder for yourself.

Things must be really tough tonight but try to rest and then tomorrow you might feel calmer x

05-01-09, 22:38
i cant think straight theres so much going on in my head and i cant just sit here on my own i been outside already its freezing but im beyond caring now. how did i get to this point in my life with no friends and a complete laughing stock i cant believe it. all my life people told me what to do but its my fault cos i took it and now im at my wits end. i really feel like just running!!

05-01-09, 22:42
Come on Carl - deep breaths. Inhale slowly and exhale slowly for the next 5 mins...
Get yourself to the Dr tomorrow and tell them everything. Bottling up stuff just makes you explode.

You aren't a laughing stock to everyone, that low self-esteem of yours needs a good pumping up. Just do NOT do anything silly tonight. Play a game in the arcade then try to rest.. listen to the radio etc. Just don't do any running off tonight cos' it's freezing x

05-01-09, 23:00
thanks for the advice. i cant rest feeling like this its driving me insane. ive smoked 10 fags in 90 mins but i cant help it. my moods are flying all over the place at the minute and i just cant go on like this anymore. but i dont really know where to turn for help the doctor is usless plus im in limbo about where im going to be living. I wish more than anything in the world that i just be normal. Ive known my friend for years now and he is the last mate standing and he has now disapeared too. :( i know i cant sleep tonight!

Vanilla Sky
05-01-09, 23:12
Hi carl ring the samaratins just talk to someone, dont do anythang rash see how u feel 2morow love and hugs to u hon paige x

06-01-09, 00:00
phone Samaritans is good advice. Get emergency dr out to you. Maybe they could give you something to calm you. Watch tv read play cards anything.got any music u like to play. U could stay on Internet even? I have felt like this and with help and time it will pass.u are not alone in ur feelings start to focus on something other than how you feel diverting my thoughts can help me:bighug1:

06-01-09, 09:08
I would go and see the doctor again, a different doctor - there is help out there for you, if you feel this doctor is not helping, then he's not doing his job and you have every right to see a doctor who will help you.

Personally, I'd phone up the receptionist and politely tell her how low you feel, tell her that you don't feel your own GP is helping and that you'd like to see someone else please because you're desperate.

Good luck.

06-01-09, 13:08
How are you Carl ? Hope you managed to get some rest last night and that today has been calmer for you.

06-01-09, 13:40
how are you ?

06-01-09, 14:11
Hope your feeling a little better carl. Are you ok?

06-01-09, 15:23
Hi guys,

yeah i feel a little better than yesterday but still feeling really insecure for some reason its bizarre. ive never felt this bad. Thanks for your continued support I need to have a think about what im going to do next as I refuse to keep feeling this low.


06-01-09, 15:26
Good to hear from you.
Glad you feel stronger today. Just take it easy on yourself - sounds like you have a real rough day yesterday and it often takes a while to recover.

Are you still living and working in the back of beyond?

06-01-09, 16:38
Yeah in the middle of nowhere ive decided to go back home but im struggling to find a job with the current climate. The biggest thing thats bothering me is I have a really close friend back home and i see him every week usually but he seems to have made new friends now and things are weird between us. Im stuck down here on my own running things over and over in my head about why i been rejected all of a sudden. I know ill get better one day but at the minute i feel awful about everything!!
