View Full Version : Irritability and snapiness

03-07-05, 19:41
My current challenge at the moment is trying to overcome quick snappy reactions.

If I am stressed/fatigued, I am in danger of biting peoples heads off (not recommended in the office). I am finding controlling this quite difficult particularly when I am trying to cope with a really tight chest and a battle against negative thoughts.

I'm hoping CBT will help with this, but has anyone else experienced this with anxiety...or am I just a grouch some days ? (don't answer the second bit !).


03-07-05, 19:50

This is quite normal. I looked up this previous post for you to read ...

i shouldnt be like this (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1706)


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

03-07-05, 20:01
Thanks for the link Nicola.

03-07-05, 20:52
This is pretty common Peter - I'm the same. CBT should teach you to control it a little :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

03-07-05, 21:55
Hi Peter,
I'm not snappy by nature, but there are times (espcially when I'm feeling vulnerable) when anyone who comes near me risks a verbal lashing. There are times when I just want to be on my own, but I suppose that isn't helpful in a work enviroment.

03-07-05, 22:09
i also find i snap at people when im trying to get through a panic attack, and i usually do it to the people i need and love most. my kids and partner get the brunt of it all, then i feel realy bad and awful about it and end up hating myself more. i just feel that the last thing my kids need is for me to be snappy towards them as i already deprive them as its is by not being able to take them much places. like the circus is in town just now and i know my son would love it but i just cant bring myself to go and i feel like a total let down.x.


04-07-05, 15:48
Thanks everyone.

You will not believe the relief I'm now feeling following your comments.
Yes, my wife and kids do sometimes get the brunt of it if I am struggling and this despite all my best efforts to walk away and control my reactions.

Unfortunately my line manager has tried to turn my rare reactions in the office against me. He is using every opportunity to say all the work issues are related to me and the way I am in the office. He will learn one day, you never know !


04-07-05, 15:53
Hi Peter,

Many businesses run on fear or guilt - sometimes both and inexperienced/ bad managers can exploit this and try to use your vulnerable points to his own ends.

It is extremely common for anxious people to get short and snappy - often its because they are internally struggling to cope with their inner worries and other things can seem quite shallow and unimportant in comparison at these difficult times.

Its also often a mix of frustration and sadness being expressed but not quite knowing how best to do this.


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Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...