View Full Version : anyone with braces and rubber bands...or i dont know im so scared Just someone help..

05-01-09, 23:58
ok so ive had braces and i started having to wear rubber bands and i noticed they bother my mouth ALOT.
(im writing this rather fast because i am freaking out)
And now they are like chaffed and sore and tender and i didnt know if the braces were causing it. So i posted it on yahoo answers and someone said it was just from the latex rubber bands. but then said i may be alergic to latex and i need to get to doctor immediatly!!!
if it was allergic reaction wouldnt it happen instantly?? its been 2-3 weeks.
Ive also been sick with a cold, which any sickness makes me anxious.
Every winter my toes turn red and swell and are really painful and even turn purple. thats been happening every winter for three years, but just this year i am panicking over it.
Plus i have this dizzyness that has been going on which caused my anxiety to come back really bad and me to fear everything that happens to my body from a hangnail to me probably creating a symptom.

But i really need someone to answer my latex question or just....say something to help.........
Im crying and shaking and just..........
my mouth hurts..what is it............aH!

06-01-09, 00:33
wouldnt a latex allergy start the first time i wore them? its been like 2 weeks since i started wearing them. I keep think ing my lips are puffing.....or i just think.....my dad tells my im crazy haha which i am, i just cant help it.
Ive never had an allergic reaction to latex before, but then again never really been exposed to it. please someone say something haha

06-01-09, 18:06
hey, i don't have braces personally but my best mate does. when she first got them she was always complaining of mouth pains, but i guess when there's something extra in your mouth it's bound to cause discomfort!
the braces could simply be rubbing your mouth, she used to have this numbing cream which instantly fixed it. maybe that could help you?

07-01-09, 09:19

i had my braces off 6 months ago .. and now i'm using the retainer "gonna get it off soon"

i dont know what to say .. but the pain is very normal and anyone uses braces will have this pain and specailly when you are using the rubber bands.

i dont think you should worry this much .. if you are really alergic you would have started to have the problems first when you started using them .. why would it wait two weeks !:unsure:

but you could discuss all of that with your dentist..

Goo luck

Veronica H
07-01-09, 11:36
:) hi
Don't worry I have latex allergy and it is instant in that I start to burn itch etc. Also if your immune system is a bit low, as most off us find, then gums mouth become sore and sensitive, I have this on good authority from my Dr. My neice had braces fitted recently and they are sore and uncomfortable, they may require a bit of adjustment too, so see your dentist soon, but this is all normal stuff in the circumstances.:bighug1: Veronica

07-01-09, 11:38

I had braces and rubber bands when i was younger, as said before, pain is very normal with these things, especially causing sores on the sides of you mouth...ask your orthodentist for some wax...sounds minging but it doesnt taste and works a treat, takes the pain right away!

Hope it gets better soon xxxxxxxxxx

07-01-09, 11:41
Meant to say also...doubt very much you have a latex allergy, your symptoms are classique,vintage anxiety, horrible anxiety!

When you go back next time though its worth asking whether or not the bands actually contain latex as due to people WITH allergies they have non-latex ones too.
