View Full Version : I am so glad I am not the only one!

06-01-09, 01:27
For years I thought I was the only person in the world who had anxiety and panic attacks over percieved health issues. But since finding this site I am glad I am not alone in my thoughts. I really thought I was just crazy for soooo long!

Question: How do you turn off your mind if you are thinking crazy health thoughts and have convinced yourself you are dying of something tomorrow?

06-01-09, 21:57

As you said yourself - you are not the only one. Many people suffer from health anxiety and use a variety of methods to help. Methods such as distraction, relaxation, slow breathing and exercising should help to improve wellbeing.

You will find a lot of advice on this site and no you are not crazy

06-01-09, 21:59
hi, I dont think you can turn it off, I've suffered with ha in varying degrees for over 20yrs, but if anyone on here has overcome it, I would love to hear their story, but I hope you take comfort and support from this fantastic forum , you are certainly not alone xxx

06-01-09, 22:02
I have a mantra that I say to myself - it's just logical words that remind me that my thoughts/fears etc are just anxiety.

Hope this helps xx