View Full Version : Hello, help me out please! =D

06-01-09, 03:46
Hello everyone my name is Ryan, 21 years old and I want to ask you something.

Before I start, I would consider myself pretty healthy, not obese and I exercise enough! lol.

So do you know what this is all about:

This usually takes place just as I'm dropping off to sleep, I will wake up suddenly with a lack of breath, often feeling light headed, not really dizzy but sometimes I feel quite confused for a few seconds like I cannot think straight. (makes me feel a bit crazy lol) It's rather weird and often I find if I get that its hard to go back to sleep, changing rooms seems to help me calm down so I go sleep in the Sofa.

However that is not the only time it happens, other times I can be just doing something like using my computer, watching TV or walking... and suddenly I will feel light headed and every so often feel I need to gasp for breath.

It isn't my blood pressure... that, for the most part is normal.

Any ideas?!

Thankyou in advance!

06-01-09, 19:21
Are u taking any anti depressants? as they can suddnely dropp in blood pressure ,i was on amitriptyline and that was a side efect so always rise from a chair slowly and lift ur head up, try drinking lots of water and dont worry, if ur still in any doubt go and see ur gp ,lots of love C.xxx

06-01-09, 19:42
Nope not on any medication at all!

Thankyou C!