View Full Version : Very scared about these new symptoms

06-01-09, 06:11
A coiple of weeks ago i started having the odd spell of dizziness, about a week later i got a bad cold/flu and i felt terrible for a few days.

Then i suddenly developed a blocked left ear and i have got a few things for it but it is still blocked and i can't get rid of it, also i am having constant dizziness/lightheadedness and y balance doesn't seem very good either and i feel sick on and off.

A few hours ago i developed a ringing in my blocked left ear and it is constant and will just not go away, I had to get up because it was preventing me from getting to sleep.

I have also been having a lot of headaches on the left hand side of my head which is another worrying symptom, i don't know if any of this is anxiety related or not but i am feeling terrible, I feel like i am going to die or collapse at any moment.

I have had a build up of wax in my ears before but i have never had such a badly blocked ear or this horrible ringing noise, I've read that sometimes it never goes away and this is something i could not put up with all day every day.

I am just worried and feeling terrible so thought i would post on here.

06-01-09, 08:25
:yahoo: Hiya,
What you are describing is the same thing my OH had a few weeks ago. Don't worry he went to the dr and it was some thing that the flu caused. It took a while to clear but he is ok now.
Hope this helps and you start to feel better soon.

tayside lassie
06-01-09, 09:01
i have been feeling that way off/on for nearing 5 years ..you sound like you have sinutitus brought on by a flu virus ..the symptoms can take upto 6 weeks before your clear of them ...

i take sinutitus attacks a couple of times a year right now im on my second course of antibiotics as i have right sided face/head/ear pain face was swollen yesterday morning and now blood from both side of my nose ..

i hope you feel better soon