View Full Version : Gastro-resistant tabs & side effects ...

06-01-09, 08:38
I've been on Lansoprazole for over two months now for acid reflux and gastritis and although they do help with the acid I still have almost constant nausea or a feeling of thick mucous or a 'burp' coming up in my gullet. Does anybody else get this with these Proton Pump Inhibitors? My anxiety is through the roof most of the time and I don't know how I got through the Christmas/New Year holiday on my own. Woke up with a massive panic attack at 6:30, which is still raging two hours later, and I can't cope anymore. Have been to the loo so many times already this morning and panic is building by the minute. The fact that I'm alone only adds to my fear. Couldn't contact anybody if I wanted to and doctors are useless, they don't understand. Maybe this is reaction to holding myself 'together' over the holiday. I can't take anymore.

Vanilla Sky
06-01-09, 11:42
Hi there, i was on lansaprazole for about a year certainly helped for a while the only side effect i had was like a metalic taste in my mouth all the time, so i came of them 2 see what would happen and there is no difference with or without them. i still get acid at times but i did when i was on them as well ! The metalic taste has gone. Been of them for about 3 months. Im not telling you to do that coz i think they are good short term but if like me you feel no better on them then whats the point! Go back and have a chet with your doc about it maybe theres another one that would suit you more good luck paige