View Full Version : I'm Having A Panic Attack Right NOW, HELP

06-01-09, 09:19
I thought i was doing ok yesterday then i got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and got some really bad cramps in my belly and not long after that i was Panicing!!!!! I know alot of us just feel like we have some kind of cancer or something but what if this pain is telling me that i really do have it? I mean, "most" of us turn out to be ok but there's gotta be someone that ends up with it right? I'm sure that someone is gonna be me:weep: Cancer can't bypass everyone,,,i'm glad that most all of us are just feeling symptoms and not really having what we think is wrong but i've had symptoms all my life so its gonna turn into something sometime, i'm not getting any younger,,,turning 37 this month:weep: wow where did the years go,,,they were wasted on panic!!! Lots of wasted years wasted instead of being happy so i'm reaching the end of it with only a few wonderful memories, how do people die peacefully? Not everyone dies while panicing and crying do they? Are they comfortable with all they've accomplished. Maybe they're comfortable in their religion. Maybe they just accept it as part of life. My husband accepts it for part of life and he's not concerned about it at all, Boy do i wish i could be that way, how do you get to that point? I'm sorry i'm being such a downer here i know thats not what y'all need, but i don't have my husband to talk to tonight so i need to get these feelings out. probably no one has read this far into my post anyhow and for those of you that have, "bless your heart":hugs:

06-01-09, 10:07
First of all, have this: :hugs:
I lost counting how many times I had an episode like this, freaking out about cancer and thinking about death. One night not so long ago, the night before I went to a GP appointment, I stayed up sitting in the bed crying, holding my son's hand and thinking about how I might not be able to see him grow up etc. I was reading sites written for cancer patients about how to cope with the knowledge that we will die soon etc. That was my lowest point - I'm not feeling much better now but at least I have stopped that. Meanwhile my boyfriend says things like "well, we all have to die of something" and similar.
37 is very young, you still have more than half of your life ahead of you and a lot of happy memories to collect with your family and friends. You are not alone - many of us are suffering the same way, it's just anxiety and nothing more!

06-01-09, 12:05
Hi there
I doubt if the thoughts you are having are unusual at all. I often have them when I am in high anxiety mode. I'm 40 and have two little boys and often I can nearly break my heart with my own thoughts, due to panic and anxiety.

They are just thoughts though. I don't know how people cope with dying and the thought of it - we all know that it will happen to us one day, and I don't know why for most people it is not a scary thought. I just find it terrifying, maybe because I don't have a religion or safe belief to hang on to for comfort. But, hey, that's my choice and problem!

Would write more but am feeling dreadful myself today so probably not much help ;) just wanted you to know that there are plenty of others who feel like you and understand what you are going through.

bead :hugs:

06-01-09, 13:26
Hi just wanted to add my two pennys worth and let you know you are not alone, I have these feelings so much, if I die then I do, BUT what of my wife, my two little children, I too can and do get so upset, and yes I am not ashamed to say I too, a 50 year old male have tears, to look at me and to meet me, no way!! far to cocky and big headed, but who knows the real you, or me? so please at the very least take strength from the fact you got through it, if it was serious you wouldnt be writing on a forum, I mean serious in terms of cancer, anxiety is also serious but you rake my point I hope. We are all still here, alive and if not kicking well at least breathing, any way good luck and peace be with you, take care. Chris