View Full Version : unsympathetic Doctor

06-01-09, 10:03
Hi, I went to the doctors yesterday to renew my sick note - I've been off 8 weeks now - panic attacks, shaking, upset tummy, not coping. All as a result of trying to juggle too many balls when my son was ill in hospital. I know I wouldn't have the concentration or the stamina to be at work at the moment.

I start my counselling later today (private).

But I came out of the doctors feeling even worse when i went in. She moaned at me that I still don't want to try medication (I'm sure I have a choice even after 8 weeks- I think?).

I told her I hadn't been too bad before xmas, but its cranked up again now. But all she did was make me feel like I'm a nuisance - 'you need to change your way of thinking' 'counselling will be hard work you know - it's not just a sticky plaster' 'If you need another note you will have to think about medication'. I came out feeling really low, like I was doing this on purpose! I felt really put down, and told off. She has been okay with me before on previous visits.

So now I feel pressure to have meds, and get back to work. Fed up even more now!

Eva May
06-01-09, 12:17
This drives me mad. I know it's very hard to speak up against a person in a position of power but do you think you could let her have it about treating you that way? She has absolutely no right, no matter what she thinks. You deserve to be treated with respect and if she can't manage that then maybe you should go somewhere else. Her pushing at you is not going to get her the results she wants, it will only make you feel worse. Don't let her get to you :hugs:

06-01-09, 12:42
I think you just have to tell her how you are trying to improve things for yourself without the meds.

You have sorted out therapy. Tell her any relaxation techniqiues that you are doing. Keep a diary on your progess and if she's still unsupportive then see another Dr. I think some Dr's get concerned that some ( and this doesn't refer to you) patients do not help themselves so it becomes catch22.

06-01-09, 14:42
Since coming to this site, I'm surprised by the amount of people who feel they are being a burden on their doctors or not being listened too, it's disgraceful really.

I mean, I understand why she wants you to try the medication, it's a logical step but it is your choice at the end of the day and she should respect that.

06-01-09, 15:42
Hi, I went to the doctors yesterday to renew my sick note - I've been off 8 weeks now - panic attacks, shaking, upset tummy, not coping. All as a result of trying to juggle too many balls when my son was ill in hospital. I know I wouldn't have the concentration or the stamina to be at work at the moment.

I start my counselling later today (private).

But I came out of the doctors feeling even worse when i went in. She moaned at me that I still don't want to try medication (I'm sure I have a choice even after 8 weeks- I think?).

I told her I hadn't been too bad before xmas, but its cranked up again now. But all she did was make me feel like I'm a nuisance - 'you need to change your way of thinking' 'counselling will be hard work you know - it's not just a sticky plaster' 'If you need another note you will have to think about medication'. I came out feeling really low, like I was doing this on purpose! I felt really put down, and told off. She has been okay with me before on previous visits.

So now I feel pressure to have meds, and get back to work. Fed up even more now!

sorry you are feeling not so well.. but why you dont wanna go for the medications !!??

06-01-09, 20:09
Hi, I will have a look in Holland and barrett - thanks. I just don't want to have the medicine, I want to try and sort it on my own.

I have been for my first counselling today, and she was really nice. She has told me that it will be hard with no meds and I will need to put the work in on relaxation and 'me time', and excercise too. I felt better when i came out, and got my health worries off my chest. She said i should have been referred weeks ago....

06-01-09, 20:16
Pilates for you then ! I find it helps lots x

06-01-09, 22:03
Thanks, I hadn't thought about that. A few years ago I tried a taster lesson of tai Chi and was surprised about how nice that made me feel, so I had thought of that.

I also go running, but she says that is too much, and not what she means. It has to be nice and relaxing and gentle.