View Full Version : Anxiety during periods (don't bother with this one, guys!)

06-01-09, 12:08
Hi there
I was just wondering if it is normal to feel really shaky during periods. You'd think since I'm 40 I'd be used to the damned things, but today I am so weak and shaky I am feeling freaked out. My legs are like jelly and I am shaking and dizzy, and faint.

Has anyone else felt this - I wouldn't post this normally but it does feel quite extreme today. Any other girls out there who get this?

Thanks, bead x

tayside lassie
06-01-09, 12:17
i started feeling like that around your age with things getting worse every few months ..i did not know then i was leading up to menopause ..started perimenopause at 44 and 4 years on im still getting all the awful symptoms..

hope you feel better in a day or two

06-01-09, 12:20
Hey There,
You are not alone with this one!! I am 42 and I never had any PMS symptoms until I turned 40. My anxiety is off the chart the two week before my period. I also get dizzy, my back kills me. It is awful!! I started to journal to see if there was a patten, and there diffently was. Not sure if this is the begining of primenapause as I am starting to get older. I hope this make you feel so comfort that you are not alone.


06-01-09, 12:21
Oh God. I still feel young (ish). I still sneakily shop in TopShop and love wearing fashionable clothes. I'm not ready for the menopause yet or being an old person. Still, if that's what it could be...


06-01-09, 14:05
I'm 31 and feel like this. I actually love getting my period as to me its a sign my body is doing what its meant to be doing if u see what i mean. I put all the shakiness and dizziness down to blood loss. I get extra thirsty during my period too which probably leads to the other symptoms.

06-01-09, 17:13
OMG!!! I can sooooooooo relate to this post, i am hedious around my period, and sadly my periods are never regular so i have no way of knowing!
I tend to feel huge sense of relief when my period arrives.

Rachel W
06-01-09, 19:15
My periods are not regular, but I know one is coming because my anxiety/OCD gets so much worse. I think that it is like a PMS which is caused by hormonal changes, which affects the anxiety level.

07-01-09, 05:40
I feel worst the day before my period and then tired and washed out on the first day, but after that I feel fine. I tend to get the emotional symptoms about a week before - sometimes a bit irritable and weepy so, like others, I'm actually relieved when my period starts. I'm 35 now and it's pretty much been the same from the word go. I guess I've got menopause looming up at me in the next few years :ohmy:.

eternally optimistic
07-01-09, 09:10
Hi Bead

Im terrible around this time.

Im usually level headed, but I can become shakey, VERY irritable and really quite unpleasanat.

I can get quite anxious even in the home around this time.

I think if you can realise the situation b4 it escalates, then that helps.

Ive been a bit rough on the kids this morning and Im sure it is relative!!!!

Keep smiling.... lol

07-01-09, 12:54
Hi, I'm 39 and maybe i could be heading for the menapause which scares me as then woman are at higher risk of heart problems which is my main fear as i suffer from an heart anxiety.
Yes, I feel my anxiety and periods are connected.
A few days before i come on my anxiety is at a high!
I feel very dizzy, sick and my arms and legs are like jelly.

My periods are so heavy that i'm now taking iron tablets as i am anemic! I guess this explains the dizziness and body weakness.

I'm coming back as a man next time!


07-01-09, 13:03
wow i relate to all these posts my worst panic attacks are a week before im due on and ease on a period. I always know when im due on cause of my feelings wow their is alot of us out there

07-01-09, 13:06
thanks for all replies! I still feel dreadfull though. Those hormones definitely play a part though by the sounds of things.
thanks for taking the time to reply
bead :flowers: