View Full Version : kidney stone pain,,,Panic

06-01-09, 12:28
I know i have a kidney stone, i had an xray about 2 weeks ago that showed it, has anyone else had one? anyone pass one? They say i can't pass this one cuz its 10mm but i can't have the procedure done cuz i have no insurance and its not life threatening yet. The procedure costs $36,000 which of course i don't have and they wont even set up any kind of payment plan. We make too much money to qualify for state help but not enough money to pay monthly insurance rates. There is no other programs here cuz i've looked. The only way they will do something is when it becomes life threatening,,,do you know what that does to someone that has health anxiety??? I'm sure most of you understand that. So this really isn't a post to complain about money or lack thereof. What i was actually hopeing for is for someone to tell me they have some kind of home remedy that will shrink the little sucker so i can pass it cuz it is gonna drive me insane waiting for it to become life threatening:weep:

06-01-09, 12:49
I have had kidney stones. I do not know of any method to make them smaller that does not involve hospital intervention. Do drink lots cos it might be a Uric acid stone and fluid helps them dissolve. Sorry not to be the bringer of good news.
But I was given the following pain relief: parcetamol and codine
And that helped me.

If you can please see a Dr for treatment regardless of the cost cos' some stones can damage and scar you kidneys. And if it goes into renal colic you will be rushed into hospital anyway xxxx

Hope you ok xxx