View Full Version : One for the girls!!

06-01-09, 12:54
Been on the combined oral contraceptive pill for about 5 or 6 years now. Was on Microgynon first then switched to Yasmin about 4 years ago.

Now I've been wondering if the pill in general has got something to do with my depression, the reason I switched was because I thought the Microgynon was giving me mood swings. On Yasmin I think i've been ok. I wasn't diagnosed with depression until nearly 2 years ago, but just maybe it was there before, because of the pill, or the pill added to it, because obviously the depression was there before the day I went to the docs and got a diagnosis.

So I've been thinking about coming off the pill to see if that helps. What with the pill and the anti depressants and all the possible side effects, I don't know what is me and what is the tablets anymore!! All this being decided after much discussion and googling and reading peoples experiences on internet forums - you know how it is!!

Then there's another little issue. I was on my pill free week last week and started again on Friday, but this period/withdrawal bleed has been going on longer than it usually does. Just when I think it's stopped completely there's a little bit more when I go to the loo.

I sometimes miss a pill here and there but it's never caused a problem. But I didn't take it yesterday (because of all the furious googling, and sort of deciding to stop completely) and this morning I have red/pink loss on wiping! Is it just because I've missed a pill so soon after my pill free week do you think?

Any thoughts on this please ladies, going to speak to the doc about it today as have an appt anyway.

06-01-09, 13:21

i used to be on the pill for years and then i stopped about 4 years ago. i went back on it september time this year. i suffer quite badly from HA at the moment and have done for just over a year. i decided to go back on the pill to help with my hormones as my HA got quite bad near my period. i have been feeling quite angry inside for a few weeks now and i think it has something to do with the pill,so i was thinking of coming off it. i went to the docs the other day regarding repeat prescription of pill and she mentioned my weight, she was quite horrible about it. i decided to stop the pill.
it seems to me that if you suffer from anxiety,depression etc the pill can make it worse, but im no doctor lol. why dont you try coming off it for a while and then see how you feel?

06-01-09, 16:56
Thanks for ur reply jennie,

Just come back from the docs and mentioned the pill as a possible theory of my depression. Also mentioned the change in my period and breakthrough bleeding. He said it was a possible valid reason for eithr causing or making the depression worse and when I said about the bleeding he said that was even more reason to consider a change or stopping the pill.

I'm glad because sometimes I feel like I'm being a real hypochondriac and that i've got a new complaint every time I go to the docs. Having said that, he said to stay on the pill and the Mirtazapine until I see him next (6 weeks) to see how it goes and get some stability before changing too much.

I think I'll end up stopping the pill when I see him again. I'm just too impatient and want to change things now! It's hard to know what is causing what.

I saw a nurse once about the pill and she made a comment about my weight - some of them are as subtle as a brick aren't they?! I've put on weight but I think it's the Mirtazapine.

07-01-09, 08:50
my dr was quite rude about my weight, well ive stopped pill now and im hoping i might not be quite as wound up.
the dr gave me mirtazapine the other day but i dont want to take it as i read a side effect was weight gain,and i want to try and beat this myself
i know how you feel a new complaint every time i go to drs, the things ive convinced myself ive had are unbelievable.
if you ever want a chat just pm me