View Full Version : So worried about my anxiety...

06-01-09, 13:02
It just seems to be getting worse! I feel sick all day every day and worry about going out, I almost had a panic attack just going to the supermarket today. What the hell is wrong with me?

I managed to get better in Oct through positive thinking and self belief that I was a strong person and I lost the fear of my symptoms, and lo and behold, they went (even the nausea). Now I am in the grip of it again, I am so terrified i will be sick or lose control even though I KNOW that this has never happened and is very unlikely to ever happen. Yet I am unable to comfort myself with this anymore.

I am panicked that my boyfriend will dump me as I am finding it hard to get to his house or even go out on a date, and I am pressuring myself to get a job because I am worried about what he thinks of me. I am no longer living, just existing, Ican't concentrate, I often don't hear/take in things that people have said to me, I feel I am on the outside of life.

I know all the theories; distraction, relaxation, positive thinking, exposure to uncomfortable situations, yet I just CAN'T feel better. I don't want to take meds, but I need to start living my life again, but how???? Sorry for the rant, just needed to vent. Any advice/comments at all would be most welcome.

06-01-09, 13:14
:flowers: panic and anxiety have taken over:weep:
I too know all the theories and distractions and STILL I cannot always cope.
WE do have set backs:blush:
The only advice i can give is "go through your post and hi lite the problems you have written" this way they may not seem so scary:ohmy:
You got a "grip" on it before therefore you can do it again:yesyes:
Just give your self more time / more credit for doing it before.
You are being waaaaay to hard on your self.
You almost had a panic attack going to the supermarket today:ohmy:
Why didn't you?????
How did you stop it happening?????
See you can do it:yesyes:
Hope this helps
Do try to relax etc etc :hugs:

06-01-09, 13:22
Thanks June. I know I can do it, but I am just struggling so much at the moment, I want to be able to do things without having to think about them from every angle. Without having to be scared of the hideous sick feeling I have all the time.

Maybe I am being too hard on myself, but I just want to be well!!

06-01-09, 13:32
the sick feeling is from adrenalin which works both emotions - fear and excitement:ohmy:
Nausea:- is fear. Rejecting an idea or experience ==== according to Louise Hay's book "You Can Heal Your Life"
I suppose you are rejecting the idea of going out:blush:
Sorry if that sounds sill but i am only trying to help

06-01-09, 14:15
It's not silly, because I do feel that I am rejecting the idea of going out at times. Hopefully I will soon get my mental strength back and kick this anxiety into touch.

Thanks again June.

06-01-09, 20:05
Rocklover. You are not alone, hun. What you have written is just how, I am feeling too. It sometimes becomes too overwhelming, doesn`t it, and you forget how it was to feel "normal" and happy. It`s so scary. I cannot offer any advice, as I`m stuck in the same place as you, but I hope it will comfort you to know, that you are not on your own. ((((Hugs)))

07-01-09, 07:11
Hi Rocklover; sorry that you feel this way now.

But you have shown strength before to deal with this so i think you will do it again. I know it is hard to handle with all those horrible thoughts and feelings running over you.

I can say that i know how you feel.

07-01-09, 12:26
Thanks for all your comments guys, I'm telling myself that this is a blip and I am hoping it will pass soon. I am getting moments of strength and positivity today, which is at least heading in the right direction, even if it's a long way from recovery. I think I just needed to step away from my what if thoughts and concentrate on the present.

07-01-09, 12:53
you are not simply trying to focus on getting better, but you are trying to live up to what you think your boyfriend expects of you! Talk to him. I keep thinking I am failure because of the above reason, but it seems the only thing my husband expects of me is to look after myself and to get well again.:hugs: