View Full Version : Hewart beat in my Head

06-01-09, 13:11
Hi all , Thought I would share this with you, I have had anxiety and what I call bad nerves for over 20 years, gets a little better and then whack just as I think it has gone away it is hiding in my mind, but it does seem to be less, although as it is some time between attacks, bad word but best I can come up with, the forgetting it is 'only nerves and thoughts' gets harder to realise. I have had it all in the past, palpitations, fear of going out, staying in, all the health fears, shakes, blurred vision, well need I go on, suffice to say when I read the forums I can relate to most, but now a new one!!, Firstly bad shoulder pain, obviousley cancer, so I endeded up REALLY worrying to the point of tears, Doc said no and pointed me to a bone cruncher, then the other side, again the first thought was Cancer, but wait, I can hear my heart beating so strong sometimes, whooshing through my head, cant concentrate cant sleep properly cant live properly, so it has to be a tumor, that is what is giving me the shouder pain and trapping my veins so I can hear my own hear beat, That is my question, long time to get here so thanks for hanging on, does anyone else get heart beats loud in their head? NOT ear infections or sinus as I have been checked, Doc says that once tuned in, especially with my anxiety I will hear it, it does go off but then for what seems like no reason BANG it is back, annoyiong yes, worrying yes, life threatening? I have been told No, my blood pressure is 'great' as I was told and I am 50 year old smoker so that is good, just need to know if others get this symptom?

06-01-09, 13:24
does anyone else get heart beats loud in their head? NOT ear infections or sinus as I have been checked, Doc says that once tuned in, especially with my anxiety I will hear it, it does go off but then for what seems like no reason BANG it is back, annoyiong yes, worrying yes, life threatening? I have been told No, my blood pressure is 'hreat' as I was told and I am 50 year old smoker so that is good, just need to know if others get this symptom?
this has been one of my greatest fears "bang bang bang, a heart beat so loud every one should hear it":blush: like you over 20 yrs of panic/ anxiety
SHOULD be able to control it I am told :mad:
if you are frightend you will hear your heart beat - if you are excited you will hear your heart beat. I am told the same adrenalin rush works both emotions.
Hope this helps

06-01-09, 13:31
Thanks June, it is so frustrating, the other night, I wont go into deyail, but my Wife and I had planned a lovely evening together, children in bed, wife looking superb, me? I am sat hearing the heart beating the military tattoo, it was racing because iI was excited but it so got in the way that I had to say 'sorry josephine not tonight' that isnt her name, but you get the point, I wish, as we all do, there was more people who knew what to do, Cognitive behaviour ot whatever would I am sure help, but my local GP says in this area they are rubbish, Great! just wjat I wanted to hear, well I suppose hearing that was better then BANG BANG miss a beat BANG ETC, Thanks though for the reply.

06-01-09, 13:37
Great post - :blush: Sorry - did laugh:blush: :blush:
I suppose, really if someone would just sit and explain - properly - what these sensations are and the cause we would not be so scared:yesyes:

By the way have you read "symptoms" in the Main Menu on the left of screen - loads of really info in there
Good luck:blush:

06-01-09, 22:33
I can hear my heartbeat, especially recently when I AM VERY anxious I have a brain tumour.

07-01-09, 10:57
Hi - yes. I don't know if it's the same kind of sound, but I just recently started to hear my heart beat. I went to the doctor in such a state I thought either my head or my chest were going to explode. I actually apologised to the doctor as he put the sleeve on my arm because I felt that my heart was beating so fast and my blood pressure was so high that it must be about to damage his machinery. I thought the stethoscope might bounce off and hit him in the eye, or the machine-gun noise perforate his eardrum. I once had a nightmare set in a doctor's surgery - it involved tubes flying around, fluids of various colours splashing off the walls. I thought it was about to come true.

He did the checks, heart, pulse, BP and ears, looked bored and told me everything was normal.

On one level, I *know* this: the 'mind' can create anything it wants in the 'body'. Any symptom, any complex of symptoms. But, on a deeper level, I don't *know* how to use this information to stop it. Because there's always the chance that *this time* it isn't the mind's imagining.

You are not alone.

07-01-09, 11:43
Hi Quintessence, this is such a good post,
:hugs: He did the checks, heart, pulse, BP and ears, looked bored and told me everything was normal. This is always a big surprise:ohmy: like you i expect it to be off the scale:weep:

On one level, I *know* this: the 'mind' can create anything it wants in the 'body'. Any symptom, any complex of symptoms. But, on a deeper level, I don't *know* how to use this information to stop it. Because there's always the chance that *this time* it isn't the mind's imagining. This is also spot on for most of us.
It is always "this time is worse than last" and the fear this generates is truly awful.:weep:

You are not alone. No, you are not alone (although we tend to think we are)
Hence the fear.
Best wishes

14-07-09, 03:48
Hi, I have had this for over three years. I went to the doctor and the ent and they told me that it is caused by a over sized blood vesel in my ear and really there is nothing they can do for it.

It started about three and one half years ago when we moved to really high elevation and hasn't really stopped since then. It seems to be worse during summer months and allergy season but it sure hasn't gone away and
im pretty sure it will never go away. I too used to hear my heartbeat when
I was upset or exercising but it always went away. I hope that you are
not unlucky like me and don't have to experience this always.

I have heard it for almost four years and well to tell you the truth it still bothers me but I have had to accept it. There is nothing else I can do. Good luck to you!