View Full Version : hello can you help

Johny boy
06-01-09, 15:49
hi all new to this so bare with me :) have suffered with many unplesent symptoms over the last year headache/palps sweats tingling in arms high bp but now down and not to bad for the last 3 months i have had probs with my ear hissing noise and some pain from the inside it feels as if it is full of fluid been to docs had ,drops ,antibiotics no good been to specilist he cannot find anything but its starting to worry me now :shrug: has any one else had probs like this could it be down to anxiety?

06-01-09, 22:10

That is very strange. I've had the hissing before but I've had that many problems with my ear between blockages and infections that I can't remember what it was related too. It does sound like a blockage of some sort but all you can do with that is use the eardrops. I use Otex and when there is a block you can actually hear it working away. Pain can also come from a blockage but if its not constant then it is less likely to be an infection.

The good thing is you have saught specialist help so that should put your mind at ease a little. If the pain persists though I would keep pestering them till you get some answers.

All the best
