View Full Version : Bad Dreams feel so real

06-01-09, 18:04
OK so I'm back with something else to talk baout that maybe a lot more of you will understand. Last night I had a nightmare, I was in an abandoned home and I confessed a murder to my borther that I beleived I commited and I was confessing a murder that I had dreamed about before and I keep wondering what if I did and can not remember and that is freaking me out but ultimately I think I would re,eber something terrifying like murder but still my self esteem is so low at times I think I am a monster but for the most part I cope and tell myself that my mind especially being bipolar has a way of playing tricks and I desperately want to be normal but the doc says its a lifelong disease so day by day I am fighting the fear, guilt and sick stomach pains becasue desperately I yearn for happiness. I really enjoy this site and we are not alone if only we could all meet up and have a group discussion.

06-01-09, 18:19
hi there ive just joined and read your post.are you on seroxat?because i too had/have intense dreams that seemed so real and stayed with me for days

06-01-09, 19:52
Hello me lovelies

I feel as though I could have written the first post I have been having really intense dreams and the memories of them stay with me for ages, sometimes I can be sitting there and I remember weird dreams that I have had ages ago, when my anxiety peaked I was getting this and I also get weird racing thoughts on waking, I have been prescribed Citalopram which I am taking 4o mgs daily I sometimes worry that it is the tablets but I started getting this before the meds and intense anxiety where the thoughts and racing thoughts were with me all the time, its really wierd but I am trying not to let it get me down.

I worry sometimes that I have got bi-polar but the GP says that it is depression with high anxiety.

Some days are worse than others.



PS lyndon I took SEROXAT years ago and it gave me intense dreams.

11-01-09, 10:39
I have been recently really worried about racing dreams and surreal dreams and remebering things long forgotton. I was having dreamless nights for about 3 years, the same time i was convinced i was dying of heart failure, then everything changed, my chest pain stopped and the anxiety turned to my mind, im nearly always feeling unreal, always twitched but now much worse, and im having bizzare thoughts, im afraid to go to sleep because of my racing dreams, seems like im dreaming the entire night! does anyone else have these racing dreams?