View Full Version : Silent Migraine? Can anyone help me?

06-01-09, 19:28

Any help would be much appreciated as i am beginning to think that I am going mad.

I have suffered with attacks of 'Vertigo' (which my Doctors have thought it is along with Labrinthitis, panic attacks etc etc).

I seem to have these attacks of when I dont feel 'myself' like im living in a bubble...I dont know how to cope with it and the Doctor/Hospital have obviously mis-diagnosed it around 8-9 times now, its so frustrating.

Basically my symptoms include:

Lack of concentration - at work, at home and I struggle to talk sometimes
Feeling tired and constantly yawning
Feeling almost drunk when im completely sober
Dizzy - like someone has spun me around 100 times and told me to walk in a straight line!
Outer body experience - almost as if im not really here?
Ringing in my ears
I struggle to be 'normal' if that makes sense?
Also seems to worsen as i type this and then look at the screen...

I have these symptoms for around a week and then they seem to pass...is a week too long for a migraine? Bascially it started on the 1st Jan and now its the 6th so you can see how long the episodes last for.

Its so frustrating as i feel like im almost making it up as nothing seems to help, ive tried so many tablets/injections etc and nothing has seemed to stop the symptoms, I just basically have to put up with until it passes (which varies) Im starting to worry that it may be something serious.

The Hospital has told me to cut out certain foods which hasnt worked and there doesnt seem to be a particular trigger. I often find that the symptoms worsen after I eat...does this relate to anyone else? I have IBS but ive been told this is not related.

As I said before I have been to the Doctors around 8-9 times and it seems as if theyre not interested in considering that it may be something more serious.

Does anyone relate to my symptoms and have any recommendations on medication etc?

I feel fine in myself im just getting fed up with this 'swimming' feeling in my head.

Thank you for your time

Cat xx :)

Vanilla Sky
06-01-09, 20:41
Could it be anything to do with your ears cat? Just a thought the symptoms you descibe sound similiar to the ones i had when i had a really bad ear infection, which by the way was missed by 2 doctors and on the 3rd visit ,it was me who said could it be my ears and hey as if by magic NOT that is what is was. No wonder i dont have faith in my doctors i hope you get the help you need soon youv got to keep pestering them till you get answers take care honey xx

Vanilla Sky
06-01-09, 20:44
Or maybe its something to do with your eyes ? do you wear glasses have you had a recent eye exam ? x

07-01-09, 08:50
I had an eye exam last Jan so I am due for one, I do wear glasses for TV etc but its the weakest prescription possible to wear glasses..

I know, I ask for help in Pharmacies, doctors surgeries and they all look at me as if im nuts....

Just woken up this morning and again the symptoms are the same :(

Thanks for your help Paige, any more advice would be great :)

Cat xx

07-01-09, 09:57
I have all the same symptoms and the neurologist said it is an inner ear problem but not sure what the solution is!!!!!!!! - I hate the outer body feelings and the feelings of detachment - do you get them regular?
