View Full Version : hi, can't believe i am not alone

06-01-09, 20:13
hi, well just like the title says can't believe i am not alone, such a relief, I think I have overly worried about things all my life but it all got worse once ~I had my daughter, the worry started to turn into pure fear that every little cough she had was something bad, but lately it has changed again, now It's about me and my health, I can't seem to stop the fear that there is something really wrong with me, and it is driving me round the bend, every pain or ache I get I think is something serious, the fear is taking over my life, am hoping chatting on this site to others in the same position will help xxx

Granny Primark
06-01-09, 20:16
Hi vikki and welcome.
I remember the relief I felt when I joined.
At last someone understood how I truly felt.
I hope this site becomes as much of a help to you as it as for me.

06-01-09, 20:28
Hi Vikki
I'm just like you I joined the site In December and felt so relieved when I read the posts. I do'nt know many people on here yet but when I've needed help I've had lots of support. Today while sitting at my desk at work I had a panic attack so I logged on and went straight into the chat room and asked for help! and I got it the support I needed it was such a great help. I'm sure you're going to be appy here.
take care.

06-01-09, 20:36
well you are definatly not alone!! welcome to no more panic..hope too see u in chat sometime..xx

06-01-09, 20:39
Hi Vikki and welcome to NMP

Please that you have found us, you are certainly not alone.
You will find a lot of support, advice and information here. Chat is a great place to make new friends


Vanilla Sky
06-01-09, 20:54
Hi vikki and welcome. I was so relieved to find this place to, you dont feel so alone i wish this existed years ago! like you i became anxious after my baby was born and somehow over the years it turned into terrible health anxiety and i have a fear of death also, i plod on the best i can making the most of the good days and using all my knowledge and experience i have learned to cope with it on the bad days, somehow i get through. You will meet a lot of people in the same boat, i hope to see ypu in chat sometime , love paige x

06-01-09, 21:38
Hi and welcome to the website :welcome:

and of course you are not alone.. :shades:

i personally pretty much go through what you are going through ..awful anxiety that ruins me and make me scared about every little thing and so depressed coz i have been going through that for so long ..

and only lately took things seriously and started my medications and therapy..

06-01-09, 21:40
Hi Vikki and welcome

I have a lot of health anxiety - at the moment it is sky high, every twinge in my toe, throb in a finger sends me into panic. You are definately not alone.

07-01-09, 09:23
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

07-01-09, 13:14
Hi Vikkij21, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes xx :hugs:

07-01-09, 13:48
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

07-01-09, 18:03
thankyou all so much for your msgs, it means a grat deal to know there are other people out there, thank you xx

07-01-09, 20:44
Hi Vikki and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)