View Full Version : Smoking!!!!

06-01-09, 22:39
Happy New Year guys
Well i did it.....I stopped the ciggies, well only for 2 days so far but for someone who's been smoking for over 20 years i'm kinda pleased. I got a kick up the bum the other morning when i coughed up a bit of blood but i do believe it was because i was stuffed up so much with mucus in my nose and when i blew my nose there was blood in that. Anyways that scared me so I decided to stop.

Dunno if any other ex smokers can relate to this but even tho its only been 2 days my chest really hurts and i seem to be coughing more :weep:. Does that sound right? lol packing in the fags is meant to make you healthier right?


07-01-09, 02:31
I do believe it's your body trying to expel all the tar and nicotine that you've absorbed while you had been smoking, and I'd have to say it's perfectly normal. I myself, stopped for 2 months or so, and I had the same problem.

20-01-09, 23:23
Hi Tracey
Congratulations how you doing? Well today i started the champix programme for stopping so fingers crossed, im determined this time.
Take care
Anne xx

20-01-09, 23:28
That is very normal. When I was 19, my family took a trip to the west coast. I had only been smoking regularly for about 6 months at that point - before that, I only smoked occasionally since I was 17. At the time, my mom didn't know that I smoked, so I had to quit to go on this 2 week trip. I got SOOOOOOOO sick after about 3 days....I felt like I had a terrible chest cold and was coughing up all kinds of gunk. My chest hurt, my head hurt, my whole body hurt.....I thought I was going to die from quitting smoking! Well I survived and I unfortunately I started smoking again. I plan to quit again very soon (this time for good!) so I get to look forward to doing this again! But once you get over the miserable part of smoking, you will feel so much better! It's worth the suffering! Good luck to you and congratulations on making a great decision!

22-01-09, 19:13
i still smoke, but when i did give up for a month or so i had the same, coughing up loads of gunk and stuff. i wouldnt worry i think like someone said it is our body getting rid of nastiness.

good luck


22-01-09, 23:31
I gave up smoking last new year, I was a heavy smoker and the first month I coughed and coughed, but it soon stopped and now feel it's the best thing I ever did.

Good luck :bighug1:

23-01-09, 04:31
well since you are more likely to die from smoking then its best to stop

Those with health fears who keep smoking will increase their chances of heart attacks, lung cancer etc

smoking kills its as simple as that

Think about it like this

One day your walking along the road and you clutch your chest and die yeah not very nice.

so well done to everyone who has given up

To those who have not, make a date with the funeral director...oh is this harsh?

Think how your children will feel or loved ones will feel when you die, its selfish

25-01-09, 02:07
I smoked my last cigarette on 3rd January LAST year and I too coughed and coughed for a while. It does get better. How are you doing with it - good luck, I know from experience that it's a hard process but so worthwhile. I honestly have never looked back.


25-01-09, 02:13
Congratulations! For me it took about 3 weeks total to feel better both mentally and physically. You can do it! I quit cold turkey .... I have been quit for 2 Years, 9 Months, 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 4 hours, 12 minutes and 47 seconds (1,021 days). I have saved $6,318.51 by not smoking 25,529 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Months, 3 Weeks, 6 Days, 15 hours and 25 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 04/09/2006 4:59 PM I know because I loaded a Quit Keeper. You should load one and check it often. It helps a lot to know how far you have come :) Keep up the good work! You can do it!!

25-01-09, 19:07
well done sillyblondegirl

That quit keeper sounds like a great idea, where can you find it? My friend is about to quit and I think this would really give her an incentive

01-02-09, 22:01
Purple Haze
With all due repect, I think it may be a good idea to keep in mind that this is a board for anxiety sufferers thus your lecture about the evils of smoking may only increase anxiety of those that view these posts.
A rightheous attitude regarding smoking will not assist anyone.
As they say in 12 step programs. check your own inventory.
I am sure you will be more compassionate int he future.

01-02-09, 22:25
That was not a lecture as I was a smoker and know how difficult it is to stop. I watched my own mother die of lung cancer.

Sure its a board for anxiety sufferers but at the same time just because we suffer from anxiety does not mean we need to hide from the realities of life.

Compassion does not mean we hide from the truth or post our views on it. Compassion can also be saying it like it is.

I am well aware of my own faults and my post was not meant to sound harsh but I refuse to dilute the truth.
Smoking does add to anxiety but I am aware that some find it hard to quit.

But I see your point with regard to my previous post

06-02-09, 22:26
Hi guys
Not been on in ages. Well i thought i'd update you all i've now been off the ciggies for 34 days :) and the coughing is still there but nowhere near as bad as it was. I can't say i've saved much money it all went on the car for its MOT lol BUT i have noticed a difference.
I thought i'd cave in as my friend died 2 weeks ago (of lung cancer) but then i thought NO i'll do this for him.
I think i was totally ready to pack up, I've not had to have any help ie patches or gum and i can't say i've even craved one. The only thing I will say is that i've been a right irritable and grumpy b*tch lol.


06-02-09, 22:27
Oh also SillyBlondeGirl can you tell me where i can find one of those quit keepers? Or if anyone else knows.
