View Full Version : On Claire Weeks Books and Other Book Recommendations

07-01-09, 00:40
I've been reading a lot of posts that mention Claire. She was certainly the most well versed pioneer on anxiety disorder in language that was easy to understand and relates well to the reader. I have her tapes as well. However, this is old stuff...valuable and will always be, but there are so many new books. I would like to suggest the ones I have. I am here because I have the same condition as everyone else but I am trying and struggling and these books do help, especially when I am in the midst of a real health panic. If you have a printer, it may be easier to print this post out...here goes:

1. Stop Worrying About Your Health by George Zgourides

2. Treating Health Anxiety - Steven Taylor and Gordon Asmundson (this is meant for therapists but still good all around for us)

3. It's Not All In Your Head by Gordon Asmundson (here is the same author...VERY helpful because he tells how anxiety does indeed give us physical symptoms, then we worry more and the cycle goes on)

4. Worried Sick? The Exaggerated Fear Of Physical Illness by Fredric Neuman, M.D.

5. The Worry Cure by Robert L. Leary, PhD - Leahy is the most well known psychologist in NY, runs a cognitive therapy center. There is a chapter devoted to health anxiety but the whole book is fantastic

6. Phantom Illness by Carla Cantor - not my favorite, her dr. believed in drugs as treatment (along with therapy) but it goes into the whys of hypochondria

My favorites are 1, 2, 3 and 5. If you just want to get one or two, I'd recommend 1 and 3. You can get them cheaper, used on Amazon or whatever site you usually use. I'd love to get feedback if you do.

07-01-09, 08:04
Thank you for this list, Lauren - i will certainly look into getting a couple of these books! Anything that helps us understand the whys and wherefores of HA might help us regain control, stop worrying (at least so much! :) ) and get on with our mostly healthy lives! Best wishes and Happy New Year from Annie

07-01-09, 13:59
I've not read any of those but will give them a look. Having a book at hand is definitely the most convenient way to get help fast so if you have one that works then all the better. If I am at home and feel panic rising I grab my Claire Weekes book and start reading. It is amazing how quickly this can calm you down.

All the best


11-01-09, 04:47
Someone on another thread asked for the author of one of these books, when someone posted about one of them. So I am bringing this post back up. These are really great books if you missed this post. Please see the first post of this thread...all the authors are mentioned.