View Full Version : Helpful Message

07-01-09, 04:30
I posted this in another thread after someone asked whether they should tell their loved ones about the HA they're going through. I thought it might help more people if it was out here so please read.

I've never made a more important decision in my life than telling my friends and family about my condition. My girlfriend is the single biggest help in my life right now. She knows just what to say to make me feel better. I know that it must be so annoying always having to help someone but we discuss that too and I've become less of a moaner now and it's helped me a huge amount.

If your other half doesn't understand then your parents can be just as helpful. I've actually stopped panicking mid panic attack because of something my Mother said. Being alone with this is what ruins peoples lives. You need to embrace it and maybe even laugh about it. I think back on the horrendous stuff I was convinced was wrong with me after seeing the smallest pimple on my skin and I think it's hilarious. It's crazy and now when we go out my friends all say "make sure you have an ambulance on hand in case you want a quick escape" lol.

Most of this stuff is all in our mind and we need to realise that. If you're really worried about something go see a doctor. Other than that just relax. Worrying about something that hasn't happened yet means you get a double dose of awful. If it actually happens then you have all that time you spent worrying plus having to deal with the problem. If it never happens then you wasted your time worrying.

Anyway, long post I know but thought it might help. Later dudes!


07-01-09, 14:01
I agree. It is probably because we become so introspective that it is hard to reach out and share our problems but keeping it all in definitely only makes you worse. The more undrestanding people we have around us the easier it is too deal with and more importantly the less strain we put ourselves under.

All the best
