View Full Version : Crippled by hypochondria

07-01-09, 10:23
Hi everyone. I'm very happy to have found this site. A happy new year to you all.

I found the forum through Google while trying to deal with one of the two 'fatal conditions' I currently think I have. (I do have a certain humorous distance from my hypochondriac condition, but on another level I'm deadly serious and completely trapped by it, so please don't be deceived if I sound flippant occasionally.)

I've been afflicted by bouts, sometimes deep and long-lasting, of hypochondria since I was a child. It's getting worse. I won't go into detail here as this is just an introductions thread, but suffice it to say it would be marvellous if I could find people to 'talk to' here and find a way out of this, because it's got to the point where I can hardly think about anything else.

07-01-09, 10:25
Welcome to NMP, you will get lots of help and advice on here.

Take care

07-01-09, 11:44
thanks everyone for the friendly welcome!

07-01-09, 11:46
hello there
I got a great book called `its not all in your head` which is a practical guide to health anxiety and full of good advice and exercises to help you recover.

Paul, thanks so much for this recommendation. Just looked it up on Amazon and it's http://www.amazon.co.uk/Its-Not-All-Your-Head/dp/1572309938/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1231328655&sr=8-1 . It looks very helpful, and I've just ordered it.

07-01-09, 11:53
Hi and :welcome: to NMP

pleased that you have found us. I am sure you will like it here as there is a lot of information, advice and support. Chat is a great place to make new freinds.


31-01-09, 03:02
I too suffer from hypochondria. I have always had it but it got so much worse when I had a sudden health scare last year(which test revealed i was fine, just anxiety related). Every little twitch, pain...anything that goes on it my body I am sure is something terrible. Even though I have had tests that prove otherwise. I have a fear of dying or being sick. The doctors say I am just overly sensitive now to every little thing that goes on with me. And of course the symptoms that come with anxiety dont help anything at all. I need help!

01-02-09, 07:07
Hello, I'm Sally. I work within Mental Health Services though am not under the care of any psychiatric services myself though sometimes I think I ought to be lol!!!

Okay, just to let you know that you don't want to go into great detail but I'll tell you enough about me so you can ascertain whether you want to chat further about things that's going on with yourself.

I'm one of life's worriers. I'm hugely sensitive. Very caring, outgoing, bubbly on the outside. Can cope with working just under full time hours and ensuring that I spend quality time with my two beautiful children. Those looking in from the outside wouldn't be in any doubt that I seem to be coping. What I hide on the inside though is just unexplainable. Through my constant feelings of anxiety, I have palpitations, I have chest pain, I can have aching in my lower jaw and in my left arm (which if you google basically asks you to phone for an ambulance) however these pains have been coming and going for months and I still have the ability to write on here and moan about it. I have gone to GP who have referred me to a Cardiologist and I've been told that I'll probably see someone in April as I've been put on the routine list!! I just think lets hope nothing happens before then and I have to stop myself because that is my anxiety talking!!

I worry about driving the car alone with the children incase something happens to me whilst driving, I worry about being home alone with the children incase something happens to me and I wouldn't want the children to have to go through that, I don't want to go out nightclubbing which at 32 isn't something I do that often but I do still get the occasional urge but don't want to incase something happens whilst I'm there. I worry on holidays throughout 99% of the time that something might happen to me and I've been worrying like this for a couple of years now so I know my worries are completely UNJUSTIFIED and are stemming from my anxiety!!!

Honestly, I feel crippled myself by health anxiety and I'm sure I'm a hypochondriac too!!

If ever you want to talk, let me know - meanwhile take very good care, Sal x

02-02-09, 13:40
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx