View Full Version : smear worries (calling all ladys)

07-01-09, 10:38
me again! i have had it in my head over xmas i have cervical cancer. no particular reason, except for a bit of aching. i dont have periods, but my nurse has told me that my hormones are going crazy alonside my anxiety. the monday after xmas, i started to notice i had abit more disharge than normal, not as much discharge, just abit damper (TMI sorry) this has carried on for a week. so, my docs and nurses have been saying i am a year over my smear test needing to be done, im like "yeah ok" and 4get it. i went to docs yesterday and told her what was going on, she said it is not cervical cancer as it doesnt show its symptoms! where i have read that discharge and pelvic pain is a symptom! she said it is HIGHLY unlikely that i have it, age, the fact i have had a smear b4, etc. she has booked me in for a smear and some swabs to be taken tomorrow. i was awake at 3.30 this morning worrying about it! she said the nurse will be able to tell me if everything looks normal up there, and i am petrified she is going to c something that isnt normal, as i told her the waiting for the results will drive me more crazier than i am already! sorry for long post, but needed to get it off my chest, i am so worried x

07-01-09, 10:51
Hi helen

i just posted bout something similar so i can understand your worry. I have left sided grion pain and also sometimes have an achey feeling with occasional pelvic pain. Had my smear done yesterday and asked the nurse, she said everything looked normal and healthy up there, plus the doctor had also examined my tummy and couldnt find anything wrong. So said tht sometimes we just get niggles which doesnt really reassure us HA folk. But now im thinking pain could be related to bowel and am freaking out, so i'll probably go toddling off to docs once again but will try different one this time as my own will prob be fed up with me.
I'm sure your fine and as you've had clear smears before thts always an added bonus , its just so hard and exhausting worrying like this all the time .

take care xx

07-01-09, 10:55
thankyou for replying hun, its the waiting for the results that i no is going to drive me mad! i have thought that my niggles could be down to my IBS and it does seem to make sense, i just hope i have a infection or something that antibiotics

07-01-09, 10:55
woops! will clear up! thanx again xx

07-01-09, 11:05
Hi helen,

your smear i think would show up any infection there, plus also yes it could be your ibs, but i hate waiting for the results as, well the nurse said it could be a long wait as they are backlogged just now. I just hate when that envelope comes through the door i completely go into panick mode fearing the worst.

07-01-09, 12:05
yes the doctor said the nurse will pick anything up, i am having some swabs done 2. i just wish this time tomorrow would hurry up and i will be sitting waiting to go in to c the nurse, i hate waiting x

08-01-09, 23:03
Hi Helen, i dont know if this is an option for you, but i am 21 and i have a massive fear on waiting on test results. I havent had a smear done yet but i am getting one in 3 mnths once the baby is born. I am actually paying to have it done privately as the waiting time is 2 - 4 days! although its still fearing the worst least its not as long

09-01-09, 10:35
wow, i wish i knew that, i had mine done yesterday at the doctors, gotta wait 6 weeks, boo hoo! suprisingly i aint feeling to bad, as i am saying to myself that i havent got anything, the nurse said it seemed fine, but u cant tell with the naked eye, which i suppose is fair enough! the docs have also said it is highly uncommon cus of my age and i have had a smear before and it came back fine. that was when i was 21 though, so its been five years! but she said the age has now changed to 25, so in the nhs eyes im only 12 months over the age restrictions! so not to worry! its hard but im having a good day today, so i keep trying to push it to the back of my mind! thanku for ur comment, do u know what sex the baby is? x