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View Full Version : Ectopics??

07-01-09, 12:40

Could someone please tell me what ectopics feel like, as in the last week especially at night, i can feel slight thudding in my chest, and missed beats, it is really scarey. All my anxiety symptoms have always been head related (headaches, blocked ears, dizziness) but now after about 6 months of having this rubbish I now have this new symptom. I've had enough now, no more sypmtoms pleeassseeee!!!! So anyway can someone tell me exactly what ectopics are?? Thanks loads everyone

08-01-09, 12:32
Could someone please tell me what these ectopics feel like?????

08-01-09, 14:16
My eptopics are like my heart is either skipping beats, and or like butterflies in my heart and chest area.

There have been lots and lots of threads put on about eptopics, so if you put in the search ectopics you should get some good advice there, hope this helps some

Take care

08-01-09, 21:17
Hi ya, mine vary - sometimes they feel like flutters, sometimes they feel like hard thuds and sometimes it feels like my heart has jumped to my throat!!

The worst thing you can do is to panic about them as this is what makes them worse. My doctor said it was quite common to have them and the only reason us anxiety sufferers notice them is because we are more tuned into our bodies.

vicki x