View Full Version : visual disturbances

07-01-09, 14:18

I have returned to work this week after 10 weeks off however a strange thing has just happended and I have been sent home sick.

I was sitting in work just doing some filing nothing too stressful and I found my vision beginning to flicker everything started to zig zag and look a bit shiny I could not focus on written or printed words I was getting like blind spots, the computer screen was all out of focus too. work called a taxi and I was sent home and advised to seek medical help.

I am sitting here bloomin terrified now I have had this once before a couple of years ago and I went to AED where they assurred me I was not having a stroke, I really don't know what to do I will see GP in the morning.

Has anyone else had this I am so scared



07-01-09, 14:36
hi yes i have it, it first started when i had a shock, about when my HA started, i had a zigzag kaliedoscope (spelling) in my right eye, i went after about 5 mins. i put it down to my blood pressure going sky high. the past couple of weeks i have had a white shadow go over the top of that eye, about 3 times a day, i have noticed more that it is when i go from light to dark or am stressed! if u look at the symptoms bit over there on the right, there is some stuff about it. i have also had my eyes checked, and he said it is common with stress and anxiety, so dont worry hunny!! xxx

07-01-09, 14:51
Migraine hi lights - where you get the zig zag lines
main menu - symptoms - eyes

07-01-09, 15:21

I have just looked up the symptoms and seen exactly what I have experienced I was just worried because it lasted about an hour must admit I am home now and getting a headache and feeling sick will still go to the doctors tomorrow, I also looked up some old threads which have reassurred me such a lot.

Once again thanks



07-01-09, 15:53
I have had occasional ophthalmic migraine auras (migraine without the headache). Starts as a blind spot just to one side of the focal point and soon a zigzag appears. It expands into a semicircle of zigzags with a blind spot in the middle. The zigzags move outwards and disappear, so does the blind spot. Whole process takes about 45 mins. It leaves me tired and groggy for a few hours.

If this sounds like what you get, it's an ophthalmic migraine aura. Take some paracetamol, take it easy for the rest of the day, don't worry about it. It's nothing dangerous.

07-01-09, 20:20

Don't worry, sounds like a migraine. I have had the same thing twice, once when 16 and then when I was 42. Exactly as you described, lasted about an hour then followed by a thumping headache.

People can be frequent sufferers or you may only experience it once or twice in a lifetime.

Best to check it out, as you are doing, but it is nothing more sinsister than this.

07-01-09, 22:35
Thanks so much for your replies I cannot believe that this has happened to me on my third day back at work after three months off with anxiety and depression!

To be honest I have felt dead groggy since it happended and quite sick to the stomach sort of thing I could only manage a very light tea, I mentioned it to my husband on his return from work and he said he had just sent one of his lads home with the same thing he said that it is a classic migraine.

Will go and speak to GP tomorrow I just hope that does not make the anxiety ten times bloomin worse now honest I feel like this bloomin anx is hitting me from all angles ( i.e I get over one thing or learn to manage it and some other wierd and wonderful thing gets to me)

Thank you all so much for your support



07-01-09, 23:17
Classic migraine......I find ibuprofen best. take two as soon a the visual thingys start . it is normal to feel hung over next day. At its worst you wish you could die rather than fearing you might:winks: At its best you get away without the headache. Often hits when you have relaxed after a period of stress.

08-01-09, 03:04
Yep been getting this for years, lasts for me about half an hour, its a migraine in the optic nerve.

I usually get a splitting headache after too... Right annoying and can ruin the day but nothing to worry about!

08-01-09, 13:57
Hi I had to take my own advice last night - i do get the "migraine lights and therefore copied the info from NP so it is to hand when this happens.
As Someone said on a different post = I know what it is and i have had it before Many times BUT it still frightens me rigid when it comes.
Best wishes