View Full Version : On the Telephone

07-01-09, 15:20
Hi - not sure if this is in the right area or not but here goes

This will sound very weird but since I have suffered with HA I have - and it seems increasing - a fear of being on the phone and being ill???!!!!

I worry before making a call and try and end the call as quick as I can etc in case I am ill whilst on the call

Does anyone relate to this?

I think I might die suddenly whilst on the call

I get this feeling when cooking a meal - in the shops - just watching tv etc but not as strong as when on the phone

I used to love chatting on the phone but now even this normal behaviour seems to have been affected


Rachel W
07-01-09, 15:34
I think that this is classic panic attack, "feeling that you are going to die".

I think that you may have moved a little more into the general anxiety. If this is really bothering you then I would see if counseling may help, just because this is no way to live your life (believe me, as someone with OCD this is easier said than done).

Hope that you feel better soon...


07-01-09, 15:36
Thanks Rachel - its a horrid feeling

I am due to see someone for CBT soon so am hoping that will help

I havent stopped using the phone but I fear it


07-01-09, 15:41
Hi Henry,

Like Rachel said, it does seem like you have general anxiety.

Good luck with the CBT, I am having it at the moment and it challenges how you think and helps you to try to break the "loop" of anxiety


Boos Mum
07-01-09, 15:48
Men usually dread the phone don't they? How about chatting online? Maybe anxiety of saying the wrong thing?


07-01-09, 16:03
I love - well used to love - being on the phone!!!

Yes part of it is worrying I will not be able to say the right thing

How are you today?
