View Full Version : very anxious

07-01-09, 16:06
i feel soo very anxious right now and i can't explain why went out to tesco it wasnt busy but had palpitations, also last night was very restless and couldnt sleep with thoughts, and feeling of depression, when i feel like this i just want t be locked away and hide :weep:

07-01-09, 18:13
Hi Lonely and im sorry that you are obviously not feeling too good have you been to your gp and explained how you are feeling maybe they could help
you mentioned palps have you downloaded the free mp3 claire weekes from the nmp shop they are very good for anxiety and may help you
take care

yeah my doctor has been seeing my regularly for over a year im seeing the phsychologist in a week for second time, first time didn't go very well, phoned liason team not so long ago this afternoon as feeling got worse, m doc is on annual leave this week and i cannot really open up to any others there only the one who im used to
feeling alittle better after speaking to liason team though still anxious, the person i spoke to is going to pass anything spoken about today to the phychologist, will it also be passed on to my doctor, im due to see the doc again 19th january after the phsychologist appointment to see how everything went on

whats the web address for downloading that mp3 thing? thanks


07-01-09, 20:24

I have suffered from anxiety for 4 years and for the first 2 years i couldn't face going to a supermarket, all the ppl rushing around made my head pound and i felt i was losing control, then i realised that if you focus on something else its manageable ie. when i go shopping now i take my ipod and turn it up so loud that i can;t hear the other ppl buzzing around me! it doesn't eliminate the anxiety but by focusing on something like music you can at least get through some daily activities.

08-01-09, 04:27

I've read your other posts so please read my thread on "medications or not" just in case there is any connection with your problems, although there may not be.:hugs: