View Full Version : Does anyone else find it hard to understand weird thoughts are a symptom of anxiety?

07-01-09, 18:46
Hi, does anyone else have problems accepting and understanding that bizarre, intrusive thougts are a symptom of anxiety. For some reason i can accept that the physical symptoms are but have developed not only a fear of the thoughts but a fear that i will be left with them after anxiety has gone. Luckily i have a gp who takes an avid interest in anxiety and says no matter how bizarre i feel my thought is he's not concerned as its anxiety driven and will go when better from the anxiety but its like i'm not sure as it seems so powerful and real. I do now gets some short periods free from it but it then comes back. The doctor says i am maing the mistake of seeing the thoughts as a separate thing from anxiety rather than as a symptom. Has anyone here had scary thoughts and got rid of them, thanks for your help, love Carol x

07-01-09, 19:06
hi carol, ive suffered from anxiety for many years and i do agree with your gp that wierd thoughts are a symptom of this. ive had some horrible thoughts over the years and sometimes the more id try to get rid of them the stronger theyd become! its not a nice experience but once your anxiety eases by whatever method these thoughts should subside. lots of love and luck to you x

07-01-09, 19:19
Hiya carol,

I found it so frightening when i started to have these thoughts, i thought my life would never be the same again, i use to think that i would always have to think this way now, because it was my mind, and they were my thoughts, horrid symptom.

But it is the same thing, pay it no attention and they will go away, just let the thoughts come, dont try and figure out what they mean or understand them. Just a tired mind and irrational thoughts.

I dont get them anymore, or very very rare. So they do go away i promise, and i use to have horrid horrid thoughts.

Hope you feel better soon, take care

eternally optimistic
07-01-09, 19:47

I agree with all of the above.

I used to go out walking, ironically to ease any pre agraphobia fears / anxiety and I used to get really irrational thoughts but I was so uptight
it was making it happen
Its quite freaky when I look back at some of the thoughts...

Ive been off of medication for just over 2 months and still walking and no frightening thoughts.

Try not to analyse what your head is telling you, just relax and try and switch off, if you can.

Take care