View Full Version : Feel so alone!!

07-01-09, 19:33
I have been suffering with GAD & panic attacks for 4 years I have never taken medication for this as i have a fear of them making me worse and they all seem to have very unpleasant side effects. I have had counselling, hypnotherapy and CBT years ago but lately it seems to have gotten worse, i can't stop crying, i don't want to be around anyone because i do not have the energy to "put on a brave face" so to speak, i just don't want to leave the house (because its safe) I am just feeling so alone with no way out. I can't see the point to life anymore because no part of it is enjoyable and i'm also off work sick because of this. I went to my doctors the other day woh prescribed antidepressants Citalopram but when i looked them up on the internet the side effects were awful so i have decided not to take them because i do not want to feel any worse. I advised the doc I didn't want to take tablets but they just do not listen what else can i do apart from tablets? please help!

i would love to hear other ppls stories wot u have tried, wot has worked, wot hasn't etc.....:D xxxx

08-01-09, 05:02
Why not try taking the tablets for a while and if the side effects start showing or get to much for you then stop! I think it is worth a try and could help you in the long run!

When I feel depressed I do things to keep my mind occupied, Watch a happy comedy type move, do some drawing or play videogames, its never to late to get into video games! =D

It sounds to me like you need a break in your every day routine, try doing something different, have you ever watched the sun rise? or set? its pretty nice... Have you ever tryed to do some painting or write a story? it doesnt have to be good! Go for walks, hell drive to places that are nice and walk there! Why not do something silly, buy a watermellon, mmm my favourite!

Hang out with friends, I often don't feel like hanging out with friends but when they come around you'll soon change and often forget your worries! Why not organise a meeting, eat out or go to the cinema!

Don't let panic attacks or depression get on top of you sausage! hang in there! You never know what might be around the next corner!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONmhQJy1ViA =D

08-01-09, 14:59

Some great advice Ryan, i love it. Goona try it myself.

Hi Deli,

I've suffered with Panic attacks for about 4 years too. Mine started after a long term relationship breakdown which knocked me for 6. I was put on propanalol and have been on it for 4 years on and off and different doses. This is one drug that has helped me immensly. I had trouble with a fast heart beat from having a panic attack and this drug helped me loads and i had no bad side effects. A couple of week ago i had a severe panic attack on the moterway that shock me up big time and i have been suffering with ever since, i was worring so much and thought i was going mental i was a total mess. It all got too much, more than it ever has done before so i went to the doctor and in the past 3 weeks i have been on Citolapram 10mg. Like you i didn't want to take it. I'd researched it for about a week before i finally though i am in such a state nothing could make me feel worse so i decided to take it. It was so hard for me for the first week and a half my panic attacks were highted to so severe i was scared. But this has died down now and the only side effect i am having is dizzyness which i guess is better than a panic as i am able to do more now and am not scared and have lost that feeling of going mental!
Maybe you should try it. I trusted my doctor and it is working for me, gradually. I still have a bit of a way to go and am about to try counselling maybe you could try that before you take the pills. I am doing 10mg of Citolapram and about to start counselling.

I am on the verge of losing my job if i don't sort myself out. I have quit many jobs through my panics and i love my job at the mo so i try so hard.

With me i am very up and down, when i am having a good day i really push myself to do more and feel so much better for it. When i'm having a bad day i feel like dying i get so frustrated with feeling this way. But what helps me is talking to friends, shopping and getting excited for the stuff in life i still haven't done yet. I just try and stay focused when i can and just grin and bare each day. Not a great way to live your life but hey what can you do!

Hope you are feeling ok. x