View Full Version : Caught Unaware

07-01-09, 22:27
Today I was caught unaware by my anxiety. I have been O.K for the last few months, not great but the anxiety has at least been at bay. A lot has happened to me recently, a bereavment in October, money worries, the fact I dont feel my C.B.T has worked or my citalopram is effective and my families response to something I told them. I can understand WHY I got anxious I just don't know why there was no sign of it. The attack was so big it made me vomit twice and tap my foot uncontrollably. Can anxiety be a subconscious thing?

07-01-09, 22:46
Hello love the mind is one of lifes mysteries who knows what goes on, I think subconciously we can be worrying about things that we think we have forgotten about its a bit like when you have a dream about something you did when you were a little kid or you can have a dream when you are anxious ie if you are scared of going on holiday or flying you may dream that you are late going to the airport or have forgotton your passport!

The mind can play all sorts of tricks on us especially if we are run down or excessively tired.

Maybe things have just built up for you at the moment and you have not realised or it could just be one of thIose annoying blips that can happen from time to time.

Hope this helps a bit


07-01-09, 22:48
Thanks Heather, I definatley feel things have built up on me but I expected the citalopram to keep me relativley calm. The last couple of days have left me just wanting to curl up and die! :weep:

08-01-09, 13:07
When you have not had a panic attack for a while and it returns out of the blue it does knock you the wind out of your sails. It can be extremely terrifying. When you are having recurring panic attacks you tend to be on your guard constantly ready to fight but out of the blue you guard is down.

I had exactly the same experience and it was more terrifying than is possible to describe. I felt real despair and hopelessness and like yourself was physically sick. This happened just over 2 years ago and has not happened since. Also when it happened I had no anxiety whatsoever which is why I think it hit me so hard.

To be honest although it leaves a lot of unanswered questions it is not that important to know why it happened to you this time after so long. What is more important is learning how to deal with it as best as you cann when, or if, it occurs again. When we are anxious panic can trigger at the slightest thing and its not always rational nor apparent why that is.

All the best
