View Full Version : High Pulse Rate and Loads of Ectopics with flu virus.

07-01-09, 22:44
Hi Everybody,

My ongoing issues with Ectopics and fast heart rate continues.

I have had flu since the weekend and been feeling really ill.
Along with this I have had a pulse of between 90 and as high as 130 at some points.
I have had constant ectopics along with it as many as 1 every 4 or 5 beats.
I went to my GP.....again and they said that I wasn't to worry as all my ECG's and bloods are fine and they think that the ectopics ar worse and my pulse is constantly high because of the virus and the anxiety also my ectopics are nothing but a very slight variation on a normal beat that poses no risk.
It is very concerning that my pulse is so high and not setttling but I am trying hard to accept this and try and relax but it is hard as my pulse just keeps racing away for no aparent reason.
Anyone else ever had the high pulse and increased ectopics due to illness/flu??

Sorry to keep raising this but I am trying so hard to cope but struggling.

08-01-09, 09:04
Hi there
Saw your posting and wanted you to know that I have the same. so much so that I dread getting a cold/virus as I get so uncomfortable with the ectopics. For me ectopics are normally about every 10 or so beats, but when i get a cold they are every four or five just like yours. Horrible. But it always gets better once the cold or whatever gets better.

You're not alone - I sympathise :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:

08-01-09, 10:14

I had a really bad flu in December. It cleared up slowly (I still have some discomfort in my sinuses and ears and I'm still coughing a bit). Towards the end, I started noticing my heartbeat was very fast and/or strong and I started to hear it in my head. Just had it checked out: BP and ECG normal (though my ECG was a bit fast at 106), have to go back for the dreaded blood test results on Tuesday.

So you're not alone :)

21-01-14, 10:48
You are on to something here. I suffer from ectopic beats. I'm sure I had never had one in my life until a few years ago, where they came on one morning, about 4 a minute. I was very scared by them, they were like thumps of a bass drum. Anyway after beta-blocker treatment and exercise I have them fairly manageable. But I definitely associate them now with viruses and in some cases digestion. If I have a virus I will get them a few times a minute particularly in the morning before I get out of bed.

One other thing, I found I had low testostorone. Since I started treatment for that the ectopics have been better still, mind you that may be because it improves your immune system. :yahoo: