View Full Version : Gerd and back pain????

07-01-09, 22:45
:wtf1: Hi guys newbie here

Was diagnosed as having gerd in aug 08 had my gallbladder out ten years ago, the prob is i am having similar symptoms as when i had my gallbladder,Burning pain in back burning in stomach between chest, this is worse in the mornings as i can literally feel last nites food going down when i stand up I also have a hiatus hernia apparently!! was on nexium and lansoprazole but stopped as was giving me toilet probs the thing is it comes and gos but having a bad bout after xmas i have cut down on spicy food, chocolate wine etc but i am really worried it could be my pancreas or liver as the back pain seems to stem from the right of my back im really depressed about this and just want it to go away any others get this back pain with gerd or am i just worrying myself sick over another symptom of Gerd sorry for the long email!!!:scared15: :scared15: :scared15: :scared15: :scared15: :scared15:

08-01-09, 09:17
I get back pain with gerd and gallbladder. I know it is a worry, I am having a hard time too at the moment. I am sure it is just gerd, I didn't even manage a tipple of anything over xmas. Go back to your GP and ask them what they think. Good Luck

08-01-09, 12:57
Thanks Jannnnine for your reply hopefully it is just the gerd im terrified to go bk to the docs though many thanks:)