View Full Version : Smoking?

04-07-05, 11:35
I know smoking is supposed to make anxiety worse but my anxiety isn't letting me give up (If that makes any sense)
Has anyone done it?

Yesterday's History,Tomorrows A Mystery,Today Is A Gift - Thats Why They Call It The Present

04-07-05, 11:36
I gave up for ten months and then started again [:I]

I plan to give up soon though - it CAN be done :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

04-07-05, 12:02
i dont find it makes my anxiety any worse... but i do know it is not a good thing to do... but i have recently started again... i have given up before and i will do again when im feeling stronger...and have sorted out the problems that are going on around me...
you will be able to give when you are ready

04-07-05, 13:42
I haven't smoked or drank coffee since my first panic attack, here's what I posted about it. hope it helps


Fear of fags and coffee! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4096)

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

04-07-05, 13:46
Hi there,
i gave up smoking 3 years ago, i suffered with anxiety when i smoked, and i still suffer now! smoking made no difference to my 'panics' although it has made a heck of a difference to my health!!!!

04-07-05, 15:56

Sometimes that long out exhaling smoking breath can help with controlling breathing and in all honesty whilst I'm completely in support of anyone giving up, when you're in acute anxiety it may just be too hard to try to conquer both ..


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-07-05, 17:48
Hi Phil,

I tried to give up during my acute anxiety phase, and to be totally honest, it just made it worse!! Talking to my psychiatrist afterwards, realized that this was probably not the best thing to do...your body has enough to deal with without nicotine withdrawals. That said though, I did find that decreasing the amount I was smoking each day did have a big impact on how I felt. So how about for now, work on cutting down? Maybe leave the quitting for when things have calmed down a bit?? Just a suggestion from my own experience, others have done it, so I guess its up to how you feel! Take care and good luck!


~Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage~ Anais Nin

04-07-05, 20:06
I gave up smoking 5 months ago on Saturday.

My heart palps are the things that made me give up. It wasn't through choice but each time I had a fag my heart would beat faster and more off key that I was frightened into not having another.

I have since then been through so much as well as my ex hubby assauting myself and our 12 year old son but I did not go back to smoking. Even through all the court cases I didn't.

But don't get me wrong. I would love to have one. It's only the thought of my heart doing funny things again that is stopping me from doing it.

I often find myself just taking a deep breath in like Meg says. Its the kick back at the back of the throat that I miss LOL



04-07-05, 20:29
That's the exact same reason I gave up Mandie! The heart palpatations frightened me into quitting.
Unfortunately I have just taken up my habit again after 6 months off the fags![Duh!]
Think it's because I'm feeling a wee bit better in myself. Goodness knows why I've done it though, I've only got to go through all that horrible withdrawals again now![Ugh]
Wish I'd never started in the first place! lol.

To answer your question Phill, it is possible to quit, it's just a little bit harder with anxiety. The first 4 days were really hard for me. You might be better waiting till you feel a bit less anxious. Take one step at a time.
