View Full Version : An Agoraphobic needing alittle bit of Advice

08-01-09, 01:11
:bighug1: i have been an agoraphobic now for almost 4 years, and I feel like a time of change is needed. Recently my partner and I have been thinking of our 3 childrens' future.
Over the last year we have really been interested in moving to South Wales, and now it has become something both me and my partner would like to do hopefully within the next 6-18 months.
The main problem to doing this, is that we live in Belfast N.Ireland, and of course Me:blush: . Iam all up for moving, but I havent been out of my comfort zone for a long period since i became an agoraphobic. (this move will require me being out in the 'open' for well over 2 hours.)
I was considering getting in touch with my Doc to see if he could help, but i just dont know what to do. Thats why im writing this post, because i know people have been through similar situations, and any advice would be greatfully welcomed.:flowers:

thank you, in advance.

08-01-09, 13:00

This is something I have been mulling over for the last year. We also have 3 kids and the youngest is approaching his first birthday. As we live in a small 2 bedroom flat we are going to have to move sometime within the same timeframe as yourself and when we do we want to move out of the area. My situation is a little different in that we can only do that if I start working again an I'd need to get over my anxiety before I could do that.

The doctor has always been the person I thought I would contact when the time comes and see if I can get some medication to get me through the travel. I'm sure there is something that could be prescribed and as it is only being used for one journey it would not matter if it was addictive or not. Probably the best bet is to speak to your GP.

All the best


08-01-09, 13:51
I can't help thinking about BA in the A Team. I think that is the only way I could be moved from one place to another. I actually thought about doing that once and discussed it with my wife. Her parents have a nice big house 60 miles away which I miss going to- especially in the summer as they have a large garden and we don't have anything. It occurred to me that if the doctor could give me a couple of sleeping pills I could take them and when out for the count in that car my wife could drive up North. Then I decided against it because I realised that waking up so far from home may be a shock to the system.

I hope you find a soultion for your own situation and get them move you are looking for. If it happens then the change of scene may be really beneficial to your condition.

All the best


08-01-09, 14:41
Your doctor would be able to prescribe something to calm you down for the journey.

I have been suffering with panic/agoraphobia for the past two years and thankfully I am now able to go out with hubby and travel short journeys by car. I would recommend you read: Freedom from fear by Howard Liebgold M.D. this has really been the breakthrough for me, I don't take meds (thankfully) and am now busy gradually facing each of my fears. You can get this book either through the library or buy it from Amazon.:yesyes: Hope this helps.

:hugs: :hugs: to you.

'Remember, your imagination is always much worse than the reality'

08-01-09, 16:00

I have had this exact problem -- and conquered it! so, hopefully i can help.

I had been suffering from anxiety/agoraphobia for a number of years (still am). I hadn't been out the house for a whole year at one point. Then, gradually i started to improve, but only a couple of months after my first excursion outside, i moved down to South Wales (ironically) - about a 5 hour car journey. On that occasion, i had no medication help. Not sure how, but maybe pure willpower or adrenalin took me through it.

Now, this is the bigger one! From Wales, just over a year ago, i made the monumental decision to travel to be with my wife who was in Peru! at this point i could hardly go out anywhere - certainly not on my own. I managed - on my own - to fly from London to Madrid to Lima (Peru). I consulted my useless GP and she was persuaded to give me some medication for the journey. I can't remember the name right now - one of the mainstream sedative type medications.

I used to also think the only way i would ever go anywhere would be to be knocked out and just 'taken' there!

I think medication is important, but you really need to have a goal and a determination to do it. If possible, get your husband to agree to do most of the packing and preparation, etc, all you need to do is to 'turn up'! i know that sounds lazy, but the more relaxed and less stressed you are, the better and easier you'll find it.

Don't worry, though, in a few months time, i have the great trip back home to look forward to!!


10-01-09, 16:44
I've suffered for the past 4 years with agoraphobia, i hadn't stepped foot out of my hose for over a year, i'm seeing a therapist now who is taking me through a desensitization(sp!?) programme, which just means throwing me out to the wolves, one day she turned up for a session and told me we were going out, of course my anxiety wentfrom 0-1000 in a second and a panic attack ensued, by this time i was out of my front door, ad walking down the drive. my anxiety didn't rise any further and once i figured out i wasnt going to die it slowly started to decrease i was by then in her car being driven round my village, by the time i got home i felt okay again. i felt so happy with myself, it still is hard to think about leaving the house but knowing that once i reach the max of panic it's jus going to subside back down. The only advice i can offer you is to try this, be it just going into your garden or a few steps out of your front door, the rush you get once your back inside from doing it is so worth it.

06-02-09, 17:45
Hi troops:D thank you for all your messages. I haven't had a computer for awhile now, thats whats kept me from replying. Just a quick up date, after tking Propananol for the last four months I felt like they weren't helping me so I have came off them. On the getting out front, things have not changed, i'm still stuck at home.:blush:
After a month of waiting, today I decided to phone my doc, to explain my desire of wanting to move further away from home. I had a good wee chat with a doctor, and she suggested I should go to hospital and seek help from a therapist. The doc says this would help me with the process of me wanting to move, and that the therapist would help me re-train my brain.:yahoo:
The only problem is that I dont like hospitals, and for a man I'm really independent on doing things for myself (cooking, cleaning, watching tele...), so I dont know if I would cope with having someone running around after me. Also with me having 3 young children, I dont really want to leave them or my partner, I think I would be to stressed out, worring about them all the time.
Basically Im in 2 minds of what to do, im 60%(stay at home) to 40%(going to Hospital).

Im guessing I should shut up now ....

06-02-09, 18:17

I am sure that your doctor will mean going to hospital as a day patient rather than an in patient. You will probably have to go daily for a session with a therapist. They really don't like to keep you in hospital if at all possible. Even if you get quite poorly they usually send out the crisis team to help you stay at home, plus as you will know hospital beds are always like gold dust.

I think you will have nothing to lose and possibly a lot to gain. I would go for it if I was you.

Good luck!