View Full Version : just a few questiions

08-01-09, 01:45
Hi, I have been taking citralopam for about 1.5 months know I started at 10 mg and then the Dr upped me to 20 and just yesterday he upped it again to 30. I am feeling...weird, like my heart is tight, mind racing and my anxiety seems to be worse, I just cant seem to shake it. I also take sublingual ativant for panic attacs. Should I be feeling like this?

08-01-09, 07:55
Increased anxiety....sounds like a side effect.

Your body seems to be adjusting to the new dose, its very common, yes it's normal.

You've only been taking 30mg since yesterday, so give it roughly 2 more weeks or so...see how it goes and if you have any doubts after that, speak to your doctor for advice on what to do next!

08-01-09, 17:22
Thanks,! I was also taking some clenazopam and I think I might be having some withdrawals issues...Great!