View Full Version : Excitement?

08-01-09, 03:10
I'm a pro at dealing with fear but how do you deal with too much excitement?

I've always been a bit excitable (a bit meaning "VERY" here) and whenever something good happens I feel reluctant to let myself 'feel' as excited as I could be because I get overwhelmed. I know that my excitement thoughts are just as irrational as my fear thoughts. For example, I was at a concert once and was waiting in the back to see the singers. One of the singers I didn't even like but I blew myself up into a right panic because I couldn't calm down. Everytime someone got off the bus my heart rate went through the roof, even though it was nobody. Because it was originally a positive feeling, I didn't notice it until it got to the point where I got scared of it.

Or today, I was being impatient when drawing a picture for a present and I practically rushed the end because I started feeling so excited that I wanted them to see it. I started getting that flushed feeling and fast heart beats from excitement and I know I didn't need to feel this way cause I don't want to rush on someone's present, but I was soooo desperate to see their reaction that I felt compulsed to. OCD much here? I'm working on it again tomorrow and I don't want to OCD myself into doing a poor job because I was impatient and needed to see their reactions so bad. I couldn't convince my mind that the thoughts were truly irrational.