View Full Version : Sinus problems

08-01-09, 06:08
Hi everyone,

This my first post at this board and I hope you'll forgive me if I just get right to the reason I'm writing rather than post a greeting in another thread.

I'm really scared. I've had anxiety off and on for about 25 years. I'm 38 now. I mostly obsess about health problems. I usually cope by distracting myself, but lately I have been trying to be mindfully aware of my thoughts and relaxation. My body is always tense. The tension can be all over and it comes and goes, but a lot of it is in my face. I always thought this was wierd, but it's actually quite common. There's a lot of tightness in my forehead, jaw, temples, cheeks, neck, throat, scalp, etc. And then there's my sinus. I don't get too worried or concerned about my tension. I've tried stretching exercises in my jaw and anywhere else I was able to voluntarily move the muscles in and around my head. The stretching seemed to do some good as it relieved some of the stiffness in my face. But one of the areas I am especially susceptible for health anxiety is my sinus area.

The tension in my face and jaw has been there for many years. I talked to my mom and she said that was where she carried her tension (she doesn't have anxiety, but normal stress). I figured it must run in the family. This past May though a distressing new symptom appeared in my sinus. My nose has become fairly dry, tingles sometimes like an ache and it no longer produces crusty mucous. That is to say I don't really get boogers any more. This has been a huge source of anxious worry and fearful obsession for me. I remember once I listened to a programme on alcoholics. The speaker talked about how when you stub your toe your mind focuses on the pain and you become "toe focused". Or with a headache you will become "head focused". I have become very "sinus focused" and while trying to be mindfully aware of my thoughts I realise this and the health related anxious negative thoughts I have running through my mind. It is very distressing to me.

I am guilty of something that many people here probably do ~ scouring the internet for information about my sinus symptoms. I know that tension is very common. It's also part of anxiety. I've seen anxiety symptom lists and most mention some sort of sinus pressure or discomfort. But I was really hoping for some positive words and reassurance from some of you who also have experienced things with your sinus that may or may not be related to anxiety or tension. It has me so worried. I've seen a few different doctors for it. They all believed it was due to anxiety and stress.

I'm going to see an orthodontist at the end of this month because my teeth and jaw are very uncomfortable from day and night clenching. I'm hoping he'll tell me that the sinus problems I'm experiencing is being triggered by the clenching or a referred pain from it.

If you've read this far thank you. It would be really comforting to hear from anyone who can relate.


08-01-09, 07:07
I cannot really related to this but my sinuses are blocked very often espically when I go to bed and wake up in the morning...

I find that 'Otrivine Nasal Drops' work really REALLY well and would recommend them, you can buy them over the counter at any drug store, one drop up each nostral will clear your nose up.

Also, I'm no doctor but I really do not think you have much to worry about with your sinuses other then being uncomfortable. =)

08-01-09, 10:11
I understand completely about that 'focus' thing. My health attention is kind of like a fire hose - I point it at something until I get reassurance (which I always believe), but then I can't turn the hose off, so I have to point it at something else. At last part of me is beginning to realize that the attention is the problem, not the symptoms.

To be honest, I can't really connect with your sinus problem as you describe it. But I can totally connect with the process of getting yourself into such a stew about it. I do the same thing, though the symptoms I focus on are different.

I really don't think you have anything you need to worry about with your sinuses. As for anxiety, which I think is your actual problem, I'm sure you'll get a lot of reassurance and good advice here. I just joined this board yesterday, and there are a lot of good people here.

You'll be fine.