View Full Version : Bad pa in Asda

08-01-09, 09:17

I've just got back from Asda. I go really early cos I don't like it when it gets to busy. Hubby came in with me cos he needed to get a pressie for someone at work, but he was in a rush as he was on his way to work. I already felt anxious before I went in.

Anyway while he was choosiong his present I started my shopping. I found myself rushing round trying to get as much done as I could before he left. He found me to say bye and I was ok, or so I thought.

So then I was on my own. I kept talking to myself in my head telling myself it'd be ok. But I got more and more confused. I couldn't find the shampoo, then I wondered what I must look like to others, like someone with dementia or something. I was all over the place.

By the time I got to the checkout I was red hot and convinced I was going to die. I'm six weeks pregnant and terrified of it, so that really added to my anxiety. I was throwing the things in the bags. I was trying to talk to the checkout assistant to distract myself, but everything was going fuzzy. I kept looking at my surroundings, they were all weird. I was thinking I'm def going to collapse....it's cos I'm preg etc etc.

Well I didn't run out but when I paid for my shopping my hands were very obviously shaking and my legs turned to jelly. I couldn't wait to get into the fresh air. When I got into the car I was still shakey and have only just started to feel ok now that I've stuffed the shopping in the cupboards and sat down with toast and cuppa.

What I want to know is do you think this was just a panic attack, cos I was really bad, or could it be that there's something wrong with the pregnancy?

08-01-09, 09:23

That is a panic attack without doubt. Well done for sticking it out but sounds horrendous.

08-01-09, 09:40
Andrea, I totally agree with Yvonne, that sounds just like a panic attack and well done for sticking it out.

If you read through your post you will clearly see all the triggers there.

You started out feeling anxious so that's the first trigger for a panic attack.

You were rushing around, which adds tension and can also trigger panic.

You thought people were looking at you and thinking you were acting oddly, which I'm sure they weren't as most people are totally oblivious to everyone else. so that adds more anxiety and is another trigger for panic.

The feelings of jelly legs and fuzzy head at the checkout were because you were most likely in the midst of the 'flight or fight' syndrome then and adrenalin was coursing through your body, hence those feelings.

The fact that you got home and felt okay once you calmed down show that this was a panic attack and not something wrong with your pregnancy.

But you really did well for sticking it out and congratulations on your pregnancy :)

08-01-09, 10:06

Thanks guys. I think you are right and that it was a panic attack. I have been so stressed lately about being pregnant as it frightens me so much. I miss carried 3 years ago and thought I wasn't worried about that happening again until yesterday afternoon.

My sister is 10 weeks preg and had her first scan yesterday. I work at the hospital so I decided to go to ante natal to see if everything was ok and see her scan photo. I hadn't set foot in there since I went for my first scan when I was told my baby was dead inside of me.:weep:

It didn't really bother me going in there yesterday, but after seeing her photo I have had this awful feeling that my pregnancy is going wrong and that I'll not get a photo like she has. I keep trying to get the thoughts out of my head but I'm finding it hard.

When the anx started in Asda I immediately connected this with the pregnancy and the spiral downwards into sheer terror began.

08-01-09, 10:15
:) hi andie, like the others i would say you pa is a result of the amount of anxiety you are feeling - i would really try to relax if i were you - i mean do formal relaxation a couple of times a day to try to bring these anx levels down? take care, emma:hugs:

08-01-09, 12:30
Oh mky goodness as a read this post it just sounded so familar to my 1st panic.
I was in tesco and i was at the end of my pregnancy, and these were the symptoms i had, i sat down and asked this little old lady who was next to me to get help, i was soooo scared, but everyone thought it was the baby, "oh it must be your baby moving around" i knew it was nothing to do with the baby!!!
i got home rung the docs and he said "dont worry, you just had a panic attack" i never heard of it before.
that was 13 years ago.

and very well done for staying in the situation, i can only take so much then i have to get out, speacially in asda (its far to big of a store)

08-01-09, 13:02
Hi andie
def pa attack the same happened to me over chritmas in asda i felt confused and dizzy thougth i was going to die .I did run out so you should give yourself a pat on the back for staying with it .Nothing ever happened nothing ever will well done.
love shaka xx

Granny Primark
08-01-09, 13:04
panic attack for sure andie.
Ive been in supermarket queues and got panicky, left my trolley in the queue and run up and down the isles finding other things to put in my trolley so as not to have stand there.
My hubby couldnt understand why I ended up buying so much when all I wanted was a loaf and some milk.

08-01-09, 13:05
andrea first of all many congrats on your pregnancy its fab news and really honestly dont worry im sure theres nothing wrong with baby it was a panic attack by sounds of things.
also well done for staying in the store.........i had a very bad PA on saturday evening in tesco and i ran out the store (i posted on here about it)
sorry no advice but just wanted to say well done xxx

08-01-09, 15:23
I had a few panic attacks during my pregnancy, in fact thats when they started. I also had one in asda believe it or not. I thought it was low blood pressure as I felt very dizzy. At the time I didnt really understand what was going on. I just went out and sat in the car and tried to breathe and calm down. The fact you were able to sort of control it is great, and dont worry by the way, they wont harm the baby.

08-01-09, 15:38
Hi Andrea

I agree with what other people have posted, you had a PA. My PAs were worse when I was pregnant, I'm sure it's because of all of the hormones flying sround in our bodys

Well done though, you managed to get to the till, back to your car and drive home. I know how scary they can be, but I think you handled the situation very well :hugs:

08-01-09, 15:38
It must me something about ASDA. My first awareness of anxiety came in episodes at the local ASDA till it got to the point where I was scared to queue- I felt trapped. I find these supermarket stores condusive to anxiety because of the lighting and lack of air and the like.

All the best


08-01-09, 16:22
I have most of my PAs in supermarkets esp the queues - something about being stood still and swaying and getttng hot and just looking for the exit. Hubby tells me to do the shopping in slow motion - slow it down so you dont escalate the adrenaline!!! Easier said than done but well done you!!! Wenjoy x

08-01-09, 17:36
OK Hands up those of us who have thought we were GOING TO DIE but didn't (my hands up). Ok now hands up those of us who have actually DIED and know what that's like (my hands down) and I guess so are most of yours.Hnads up those of us who know anyone who has died at an ASDA checkout(that doesn't include the feeling like your DEAD because you have been standing queueing so long) Ok if the fear is your going to DIE then that in itself is enough to set off a Volcano like PA so first thing is tell yourself your not DYING and certainly not here & not now. Look around you at the people in the queue or shopping there will be someone going through what you are and they are not dying either. Believe me I have spent close on 31 years with this debilitating illness and I aint Dead yet even though roughly 3 or 4 times a month I convinced myself that I had all the right symptoms and actually convinced myself that I was cheating Death each time which made me feel good. YOU HAD A PA and as others have said all the "triggers" were there. On this occasion you pulled them and they went off and maybe they will again until hopefully one day you will learn to put the "safety catch" on them.Good Luck with your pregnancy and NEVER GIVE UP.

08-01-09, 17:51
well done for paying for your shopping! I've never done a big shop, supermarkets, no windows, fluorescent lighting is way too uncomfortable for me.
I like to shop online and then do a few small shops a week.
oh waiting in line, to pay is so hard !
try not to let this put you off shopping x maybe do a dew small shopping sessions rather than one big one

08-01-09, 23:44
Hi Andie

I have these attacks in supermarkets to, they really awful but well done for sticking it out.

Congratulations on your pregnancy

love mandie x

april tones
09-01-09, 12:54
Hi andrea, i can really sympathise here as i am pregnant and i get panic attacks when pregnant and after! This is my 2nd pregnancy, hormones trigger mine as do bright lights in asda! You did do well, aim is not to dwell on it as this is what causes pattern of them happening again, i know from experience and even i forget sometimes and do it! its only natural to have anxiety about pregnancy cos you had loss last time, sure you will be fine this time round, love aprilx