View Full Version : Hello from a therapist

08-01-09, 14:37
Hello, I am a hypnotherapist based in Sheffield and London I work with adults and children helping them learn the techniques they need to overcome anxiety, fears, phobias, panic attacks, depression and IBS.

I wanted to join this site as I am seeing more and more clients from 8 to 88 suffering from anxiety, many have suffered for years. Many people feel that they are alone, that no-one else feels the same, these feelings leading to isolation and depression in some cases.

I hope that I can learn from this site, and possibly offer some help.

I am currently writing about childhood anxiety and would like to hear from any parents with children suffering from panic etc.

08-01-09, 16:24
Tetley that was a bit direct wasnt it??? This lady might be interested in helping others - I know in society today we all dont trust people but maybe she is trying to help.....
Dont know if thats true or not but I thought you were a bit abrupt!
Wenjoy x

08-01-09, 16:53
Hi Kimberly
:welcome: to NMP, I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

08-01-09, 17:31
Hi Kimberly,

Welcome to NMP. I think it would be great for you to offer any advice, maybe even share personal triumphs with us.

Many of us here either have done hypnotherapy or have considered it. I just hope that when speaking about it it is done with a no guarantee in mind. I for one was guaranteed that it would work, and that the therapist offering me his services had NEVER failed. I was his first failure! Putting that responsibility, pressure, and false hopes on one person can be seriously damaging.

I am definitely open to hearing about your experience in the field, and look forward to any success stories you may have.

08-01-09, 19:13
Ok Tetley - point taken!
Lets hope hypnotherapy works for the people paying for it as its mighty expensive!
Wenjoy x

08-01-09, 19:23
Hi Kimberley

Welcome to the site. I think you will understand concerns from members that maybe you are looking for custom as we have had many in the past who like to use the site to advertise their services and as you will appreciate that isn't what the site is all about. However, if you are here to offer help and advice on the forums and to gain knowledge of anxiety then you are more than welcome.


10-01-09, 12:03
Welcome to NMP! xx

pink daisy
10-01-09, 12:21
Hi Kim

Welcome to Nmp we are a friendly bunch well most of the time hehe
Im sure kim just wanted to introduce herself and not advertising maybe its just a friendly lady saying if you wanted a bit of advice or help as she is researching etc give her a email or somthing!! there are some nice people out there people xx

10-01-09, 15:56
Hi - Thanks for all your messages. I didn't join the site to get clients I advertise elsewhere for that and go by word of mouth.

I joined the forum as I see so many people each week who have struggled for years with their anxiety and I thought I might be able to learn more and to perhaps offer some info about the therapy side as some people can be wary of different types of therapy. Although I do not believe in anyway that hypnotherapy can 'cure all' - there is no such therapy. As a therapist I have had 'failures' and will continue to have - which is why I want to learn more.
(I also have successes!)

10-01-09, 18:55
Hi Kimberly

Great to have you on board I am sure you will learn lots and will also be a great help to the site. Welcome.


10-01-09, 19:14
Hi Kimberley

Welcome to NMP :flowers:

If there is anything you would like to ask then just pop a post on the forum and i'm sure you will get lots of input.

Nice to meet you!


10-01-09, 19:34
Hi there,

I'm Jo, a paramedic of 12 yrs and I had panic attacks from the age of 5yrs. I spent my life being afraid but my parents never noticed. I never told my children what was wrong with me and they never saw me panicking. My eldest daughter came to me at the age of 12yrs and told me she felt funny, weird and nervous all the time. She developed severe anxiety, like me. My grandma suffered panics from a child and has passed it on to me, my child, my auntie and cousins on her side. It has to be genetic. Hypnotherapy didn't work for me. I give this web address to all my anxious patients and my GP also passes it on now. Hundreds suffer but this is a great place for them to come.



12-01-09, 18:49
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx