View Full Version : am i going to be ok?

04-07-05, 12:17
i was wondering if anyone has had similar symptoms to me
my head and ears feel full and now and again i get pain in my jaw like a really bad tooth ache
i have been to the doctors and the dentist my teeth are ok and they put my head and ear symptoms down to hay fever

i do have a very busy life i work and i have a family, my job isnt too stressful and neither are my family but i just feel as if i cant cope - im thinking i have every thing wrong with me and im finding im looking for symptoms!

i cant stop crying - the slightest thing can trigger me off.
i have had to leave work today as i wasnt feeling up to it -i think im dying or am i just really anxious?


04-07-05, 12:32
as long as you have had routine tests,like blood/urine etc and your doc said your ok,then its sounds like anxiety,do some reasearch plenty on this site
take care
tony x

metal,rock, and hardcore music is my life!

04-07-05, 14:14
Hi Ruthie,
sorry you are feeling so bad right now.. Since you have been checked recently by the doctor and dentist, your symptoms do seem anxiety related, and it also seems you may be slightly depressed because of this, have you spoken to the doc. about the tearfulness etc. they can help you with advice, meds. etc. Have you tried hayfever medicines, they can also help alot. you sound as if you have a very busy life and seem to be coping so far, have a good read round this site, and keep in touch. i can honestly say i don't think you are dying, it is anxiety and it's many horrid symptoms xxxx

04-07-05, 14:20
I have allergies that are just like that. The jaw pain and pressure int he head I have been checked for and it was anxiety. The muscles in your head tighten and contract. The pressure in my ears get so bad that when I laugh or lay down they sometimes vibrate. Allergies can cause a lot of pressure especially when you bend forward.

All the other feelings are what happens when we fear the unknown - whats wrong with me and unable to diagnose ourselves or accept that
all is well.

My neck being extremely tight can also act like allergies in your face and sinus. Massage and Chiropractic services have helped me. They also help with sinus problems and help them drain. The last time I had the jaw, temple and thick head they massaged it out and told me how tight all my muscles were in my jaw and temple. They can feel how tense you are.

Try a few jaw exercices at home. Open your mouth all the way as if you are going to scream and you will feel the tense muscles yourself. Then accept that you need to get rid of the thoughts and tension to relieve the pressure.

It is not easy and will take sometime. I have had it a long time and it took a long time for me to accept that tension was the culprit

Good Luck and hope you feel better and
are not missing too much work. Sometimes work helps because you can be easily distracted, where at home we let our mind do what ever it wants to.



04-07-05, 15:18
Ear problems/hayfever? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4142)
Ears (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4137)
panicky !! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4125)

Pain in Jaw,cheek bones and around eyes (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2475)
Another little question (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3787)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

04-07-05, 15:24
hi some one once told me that toothcahe can be related to anxiety, so thats what it probably is. anxiety can also cause other pains but it doesnt mean there is somethinf physically wrong with us. take care x.


04-07-05, 16:50
thanks guys for your responses, they mean a lot, ive just had a good sleep even though the pain is still there im feeling a bit better.
