View Full Version : Caffeine-induced Anxiety

08-01-09, 16:10

I don't know if you're aware, but apparently excessive caffeine can be the root cause (or certainly a factor) of anxiety.

I'm investigating this, because i drink Coca-Cola very very excessively and could at least be a part of my problem. According to the article i found online, it could also be the main problem.

My other point is the irresponsibility of companies like Coke who use caffeine in their products which is highly addictive and they market it for children who don't know what they're doing. I am just starting a campaign for the government to force these companies to display warning labels on their packaging (much in the same way warnings are on cigarette packets)

If you can, i would like for as many people as possible to sign my petition

http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/caffeinewarn/ (http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/caffeinewarn/)

I feel very strongly about this - not just for me, but for others who have the same problem and those who need to be warned.

Caffeine addiction doesn't appear to be a recognised problem by the NHS or anyone else. I received help to quit smoking, which i managed to do, but i need help with my Coca-Cola/Caffeine addiction.

If any of you also drink excessive Coke or other caffeine products and suffer from anxiety, could this be your problem also?


08-01-09, 18:02
I know people who have ended up in hospital for taking energy tables with energy drinks! overdose of caffeine gave them heart palpitations.
i drink one cup off coffee day and I LOVE it!
I think one cup is ok,

08-01-09, 18:13
Hi Gregor

Excessive caffeine can cause anxiety symptoms of course, and people who suffer anx normally keep their caffeine intake down as mishel has illustrated above. I don't drink coke cos I don't like the stuff, diet coke is the worst thing on the planet I have ever tasted, like trillions of sweeteners in sip.

However, I have to say that although caffeine is an antagonist for anxiety and does bring on nasty symptoms it isn't the root cause of true anxiety states.

Keep off that Coca Cola and drink water like me lol.

09-01-09, 01:25
Caffeine is not such a bad or strong substance. It may have a small impact, but there are upsides to it as well such as giving you a little more drive.

After taking caffeine for a few days, your body develops a very high tolerance to it, so the effects are minimal or negligable over time.

The amount of caffeine in coke is fairly small, compared to coffee anyway. You can also buy caffeine-free diet coke if you want.

09-01-09, 01:35
ive reduced my caffeine intake and although this helped with managing my anxiety, it certainly hasnt stopped it.... It has reduce the level and frequency of a panic attack
The underkying reason for the anxiety is there and still has to be worked on

Hereford Al
09-01-09, 11:32
When I was at my most stressed at work in the Spring/Summer last year, I was drinking 5-6 cups of tea at my desk a day, plus another 3-4 when I got home and a glass of fizzy, sugar-laden pop with my meals. It was only when I was first diagnosed as having anxiety problems that I stopped.

Now I drink de-caffinated tea (Twinings) and not only does it taste better (IMHO) but I also fall asleep within minutes of hitting my bed, whereas before it would take me ages to nod off. I also find that I'm alot less "wired" during the day.