View Full Version : pregnant and coming off citalopram help!!!

08-01-09, 21:26
Hello,ive been on 20mg for about 13 months now as i suffered with panic and anxiety attacks after the birth of my little one now ive just found out im pregnant again and my doctor has suggested i come off them she has given me 10mg and 20mg tablets and im supposed to alternate then go to 10mg.After reading some off the comments i am really concerned about the side effects now and don't feel very comftable doing it.Anybody have any advice as just the thought off going through some of the side effects that have been discussed are making me really anxious.:unsure:

08-01-09, 21:33

Congratulations on the pregnancy.
I havnt been in ur situation but i have been concrned about side effects. Try to be reassured that ur doc wud not have made that decisioon if it was goingto put u or ur baby at risk, if u get any, go straight back.
When i came off cit, i didnt have any effects.
As o u anx, i hop people on here can help with that.

Good luck, take care.

Daisy :flowers:

08-01-09, 21:44
Thankyou daisy,just freaked me out reading some off the things people have gone through getting off them...im glad to hear at least one person didint suffer :) thankyou.x

09-01-09, 09:55
for the same reason as you 12 years ago I came off antidepressants and tranquilers and went cold turkey! Wean yourself slowly like the dr said and remember if you feel bad what the reason for thisis ... Your baby. Get any practical help and support you can if you feel shaker. Others have done it, so you can too :yesyes:

09-01-09, 17:36

Just to reassure you I was on citalopram for 8 months 30mg and when I was withdrawing I took 20mg for a month and then 10mg for a month and had absolutely no withdrawal symptoms whatsoever. Not one. So don't be scared if you do it correctly and safely you wil be fine and congratulations on your pregnancy. xxxx

17-01-09, 14:22
thankyou everyone for your messages ive found it helpful and re:yesyes: asuring.x x x