View Full Version : What is happening to me?

08-01-09, 23:10
Something strange has just hapened and I still feel like it now :-S

Was in the kitchen talking to my housemate when suddenly I felt by breath go a bit funny. I noted it in my head then suddently felt very light headed then my body felt very weak and my head felt heavy. Then I started to feel like I was seriously going to faint/dizy/weak feeling like I was about to drop. The lighting in the room went fuzzy and my vision is blurry.

Im now sat on the sofa but shaking slightly. My breathing is fine. But I still feel weak with dodgy vision and dizzy/faint ARGH

I am assuming this is a panic attack? I have SVT but I doubt it is that as heart rate is steady. I have had chest pain for the last 3 days and tingling down my left arm but have had this before and put it down to anxiety as i have it alot and ecg's have always come back fine.

I feel like poop - should I just go to bed?

Sorry to parp on

08-01-09, 23:22

It does sound like anxiety. This page may help you abit http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms It covers the symptoms you have described and explains as to why they occur. With an anxiety disorder you can have some of the symptoms of a panic attack without having a full blown attack.

Best bet is to try and get your head down and recharge because it does take it out of you.

Hope your feeling better soon.


08-01-09, 23:25
Thankyou very much for your help!


08-01-09, 23:37
Hi Cazz

Does sound like anxiety

This is exactly how i get when im anxious and panicky.

Try and get some sleep and hopefully u will feel better in the morning.

love mandie x

08-01-09, 23:39
Thank Mandie! Currently celeb big brother is helping me relax - hehehe

Just wish this chest pain would go away - 3 days now is getting a bit extreem! grrrrr


08-01-09, 23:41
This page may help you too http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2963 But i think understanding why the symptoms occur and to know that their not harmful is half the battle.

All the best


09-01-09, 03:58
Hi Cazz, :)

This is the way that I also feel with panic & anxiety. I have to keep reminding myself that it's anxiety & panic and that nothing 'bad' is going to happen.

Best wishes xx :hugs:

09-01-09, 09:31
Hi Cazz

Hope u are feeling better today

Mandie x

10-01-09, 14:15
I get this too. I have a hard time describing it to other people, but you explained it well. I have to remind myself it is anxiety and not focus on it as it makes it much worse. Hope you are feeling better today.