View Full Version : hypothyroidism? Thyroid cancer? Could it be?

09-01-09, 05:00
I was explaining some of my symptoms to a friend of mine and she said that i should "Imediately" get my thyroid checked cuz i could have hypothyroidism or thyroid cancer and both are VERY dangerous, fatal!:scared15: So of course i'm freaking out again. I was starting to calm down after my low blood pressure scare but now i'm panicing about this!:weep: About a year or so ago i had my thyroid checked and i was told it was normal but i did have a cyst on it which was "harmless" (the dr said),,,SO now i'm beginning to wonder if that diagnosis was was wrong??? She said it didn't even need to be monitered! Maybe it turned into cancer or something! I have low blood pressure, dizzy, get cold real easy, my period is late(not pg.), i get headaches, and palps. Sounds like the symptoms of either hypothyroidism or thyroid cancer according to my friend:weep: :weep: :weep: I'm SO Scared!

09-01-09, 07:29
I have hypothyrodism. It is soooo not a big thing at all. Honestly. I take a tiny pill every morning. It has no side effects. I've been taking it for 14 years. Sometimes I think it's just a sugar pill or something because I don't feel any different after I take it, but after a couple months without it I start to feel cold, my hair starts falling out, etc and then I know for sure it does work, just in a very quiet way. I also have weird periods, headaches. Also, I just found out today from my doctor that people with hypothyroidism often feel anxiety. Who knew?! I googled it and sure enough, it appears to be true! Anyway, I just started back on my thyroid meds today after a few months off (too phobic to go to the doc for yearly labwork) and you have to believe me when I say it is not a big deal. Getting a papercut is more annoying than treating hypothyroidism. Trust me.

I also know several people who've had thyroid cancer. It is a very curable cancer. I'm not saying it's a good thing to have, but if you must get a cancer, thyroid is the one you want. My sister-in-law is a cancer researcher (her sister had thyroid cancer) and she tells me the vast majority of thyroid cancer patients recover fully.

But really, it sounds like maybe some mild hypothyroidism to me, and that is nothing to be afraid of. Tons of people have it. I have it. I'm perfectly healthy. I just take this tiny pill every morning. If I miss it, I can't even tell. It doesn't even taste bad. It's like the sugar pills in a pack of birth control. And it's cheap. You must trust me. I'm phobic and anxious and a huge worry-wart so I know how you're feeling. But it's not a big deal. (:

I can't even imagine how bad one's hypothyroidism would have to be to be fatal, but it would have to be so much more severe than your symptoms would indicate. Even off the meds for a few months I can still function just fine. I'm just a little cold (Colorado in the winter IS a little cold) and my hair is a bit dull. And I don't have regular periods, which doesn't bother me because I don't exactly like having them anyway. You will be fine.

09-01-09, 08:18
hi i tend to agree with highwaymiles i too have hypothyroidism its not such a big deal i take a small pill every morn and it makes no diferrence if you forget to take it for a few days i dont know where you got fatal from i feel no different now to what i did two years ago when it was first discovered after a simple blood test so try not to panic to much all the best

09-01-09, 09:56
Are you sure this was a "friend"??:shrug:

Hypothyroidism is NOT fatal! I have it like the above two post people and take thyroxine every day and will do forever..BUT...it really is not a big deal. It is worth having your thyroid checked again with a simple blood test maybe but if it comes back showing a problem it is FULLY treatable and not at all lie threatening.
Obviously cancer would be of a little more concern but very unlikely you have that..anymore than the rest of us on here having it!
Easy to say but try not to worry..AND....do not listen to "friends" who often try to be helpful but end up causing extreme fear and panic like you feel now.:lac:
Hope you feel a little more reassured.:)

09-01-09, 11:59
I was trained as a vol advisor for a thryoid support group so am pretty well informed and I also have hypothyroidism as well for past 22 years.

Your so called friend when saying underactive thryoid can be fatal was maybe referring to victorian times when there was no treatment and the sufferer would die after maybe 25 years with heart failure but we are talking the late 1800's here! an overactive thryoid is more dangerous as it affects the heart much more and untreated for a long time can cause heart attack but again nowadays this would be almost impossible unless you lived as a total recluse.

Ask you Dr for another blood test to check your thryroid hormones as you are having some possible symptoms of hypothyroidism. If you are worrying yourself silly about the harmless cyst then ask for an ultrsound scan of cyst to put your mind at rest as this would confirm for def that the cyst is harmless.

Anyone taking thyroxine should have their blood checked every 6 months - Drs tend to say every year but alot can change in a year so we always advice every 6 months,

There are literally millions of women with underactive thyroid who take thyroxine and lead totally normal lives.

09-01-09, 12:02
Hmmm... some friend! According to what I read, thyroid cancer does NOT produce hypothyroid symptoms. It usually produces, if anything, hyperthyroid symptoms. Fairly logical when you think about it: if you have multiplying thyroid cells secreting thyroxin, then you'll have more thyroxin in your blood, not less. So I would say forget about thyroid cancer. And if you have hypothyroidism (which you probably don't!), that's a totally benign and treatable condition.

So please don't worry!

09-01-09, 16:43
Hi there I was reading your post and thought I might be able to reassure you. I also have a cyst on my thyroid and was told the same as you, that it was very common and nothing to worry about and that it didn't need to be followed up.... well, clearly, being me - i took no notice of this and did quite the reverse of not worrying about it and worried about it constantly - so much so that I began to get the symptoms, funnily enough, of hyperthyroidism (which is associated more with thyroid cancer as the other post said) - weight loss, feeling light headed and dizzy etc. etc.

My cyst on my thyroid was found through another test for something else (ultrasound) - and to be honest, until I knew it was there, I had no symptoms at all.

A cyst on the thyroid really is VERY common - they come and go all the time apparently - and if your blood tests say your levels are normal then truly believe them (I have had three blood tests since the cyst for various reasons and my thryoid function is always normal).

Like everyone else says, thyroid cancer is pretty treatable (one of the better ones apparently, if better is the right word!) if caught early - and you REALLY DON'T HAVE it. Your friend might want to reassess her medical advice I think..... Alot of the symptoms you're getting (and I got) are similar to anxiety. I promise. Please try not to worry - I know that's easier said than done though - but I have a cyst too - and that's a year later - and various googled symptoms (both read and experienced!!) later - and I'm still here.

I hope this helps, even just a little bit, to reassure you.

09-01-09, 17:10
Thank You SOOOO Much Everyone:hugs: Y'all did make me feel better. I am gonna get my thyroid checked as soon as i can but i called my dr and they can't get me in till feb, maybe i'll go to a walk in clinic instead cuz i'd probably feel better getting it checked sooner than later:yesyes:

Again,,,Thanks So Much y'all:bighug1: