View Full Version : Hi there - need some advice

09-01-09, 11:52
Hello - I haven't been on this site for a while as had been advised by my psychotherapist to stay away for a while..... my CBD has been really helpful but recently I seem to have had a relapse - or at least (weirdly, I think) I hope I have...

Can somebody tell me a good list of symptoms of ACID REFLUX - or are they too long and complex to list....!?

I have a burning feeling in my right shoulder and in what seems to be my lung - no cough but a bit of mucus. I don't get breathless and no acid in my mouth - but sometimes the feeling is temporarily relieved by eating - it's not too bad in the morning but gets progressively worse during the day - I do suffer from it but haven't had these symptoms before. I have been off the Lanzaprole (sp?!) for a bit now as it had eased off, which is why I'm worrying that I have lung cancer or something - despite no cough or blood or anything. Sometimes I get a hoarse voice and sometimes the pain is quite bad....

Am really scared that it's serious. I had a chest x-ray six months ago which was apparently totally normal but am now worried that they have missed something....

Can anyone help me? Thank you very much....