View Full Version : Moved to my right arm

09-01-09, 16:38

I have posted a few post re arm pain which has always been on my left side.

This morning at 5am I woke with excruciating pain in my right shoulder, going down my arm to my elbow, fore arm and into my head. I was actually crying with the pain, it was agony.

I managed to get back to sleep. When I woke it was still there although not as severe as it had been.

Now all sorts is going through my head again and I am scared it takes it toll and I go back to square one. I have taken a few flushes today but that resembled the way I feel when a panic attack starts. Been doing my breathing, but that is not helping the arm pain.

I am getting quite scared and worried.


09-01-09, 17:16
I can relate to arm problems and ache in them.

I have had it in both, mostly in my underarms. I really dont know what it is, but my doctor says it is nothing to worry about.